Rev. Jonathan Rusnak shares the “living and active Word of God” as a professor of theology at Concordia Nebraska

Published by Hope Nelson 4 months ago on Thu, Oct 24, 2024 2:09 PM

Rev. Jonathan Rusnak was installed at Concordia University, Nebraska as an assistant professor of theology in fall 2024. In addition to serving as a professor, he’s also a father, husband and even Ph.D. student.  

“I’m working toward a Ph.D. in Doctrinal Theology from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis,” he said, with a dissertation on “the Pneumatology of Johann Gerhard.”  

Gerhard was a seventeenth-century German theologian, and pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is someone that Rusnak sees in action at Concordia Nebraska, where he teaches two course sections of Faith and Life, as well as two in the History and Literature of the Old Testament.  

“Both classes have proven to be occasions for the Holy Spirit to go to work on His people through the living and active Word of God,” he said. “I am honored to join students in hearing, believing and being shaped by God’s Word.”  

People are the best part of my job. I am very impressed with the students at Concordia. In my experience, they are mature, respectful and ready to learn. I am also blessed to work alongside many faithful colleagues who are not only excellent educators but also faithful Christians.

Rusnak was born in Chicago, but has since lived in Michigan, St. Louis, Mo., Minnesota, and Milwaukee, Wis. At the seminary in St. Louis, he received his M.Div. and STM degrees, enabling him to serve as a pastor. Though he now shares God’s Word as a professor, he is active as ever in worship. At Concordia, Rusnak enjoys taking part in campus worship opportunities, especially daily chapel. He finds that they allow him to spend time with fellow believers in devotion and the study of Scripture.  

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to regularly receive God’s gifts of forgiveness, life and salvation through His Word and Sacraments in our campus chapel services. We are blessed with an excellent campus pastor as well as many other pastors from our church body who faithfully proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to our campus community on a daily basis.”  

Rusnak is one of the pastors who’s given a message in chapel this year.  

In classes, worship and the time he spends outside of these, Rusnak says that his time at Concordia has been defined and highlighted by the people that make up the campus community.  

“People are the best part of my job. I am very impressed with the students at Concordia,” he said. “In my experience, they are mature, respectful and ready to learn. I am also blessed to walk alongside many faithful colleagues who are not only excellent educators but also faithful Christians...People make all the difference. Our administration, staff, faculty and students form an amazing community of people centered around the person of Jesus Christ who is present with us by His Word and Spirit.”  

Rusnak and his wife, Julie, met in college at Concordia University – River Forest (now Concordia University – Chicago). They have four children. Prior to moving to Seward, they most recently called Milwaukee, Wisconsin, home.  

When he’s not teaching, Rusnak enjoys spending time outside with his family and engaging in hobbies. He said that he, his wife and children try to hike, bike, fish, camp, canoe and kayak whenever they can. He also plays trumpet and is part of the St. John Wall of Sound, an adult instrumental group at St. John Lutheran Church that often accompanies Sunday morning services.  

To Rusnak, Concordia is a unique ministry and a special place.  

“I am impressed with Concordia’s commitment to the Word of God as the authority for faith and life as well as fostering our life together in community,” he said.  

Concordia Nebraska’s general education curriculum places an emphasis on theology, requiring students to study the Old and New Testaments in depth, as well as learning how to live out their faith in their everyday lives. Furthermore, the theology department supports students of all interests and majors while offering unique programs of study for students interested in attending seminary or becoming rostered church workers. Learn more about the theology department here.  

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