Riley Tegtmeier '20 named Creigh Weyer Scholar

Published by Concordia University, Nebraska 5 years ago on Fri, May 24, 2019 12:06 PM

Riley Tegtmeier was recently named a Creigh Weyer Scholar by the Creigh Foundation. The Creigh Weyer Scholarship program is a highly-competitive, merit-based post-graduate scholarship that is offered to students who have outstanding leadership potential.

A major in physics, Tegtmeier, a Davenport, Nebraska native, who is a member of the Concordia’s men’s basketball program, received the award in the first year that students at Concordia Nebraska were eligible to compete for it. He was joined amongst the six finalists by fellow Concordia student Philomena Lammers of Omaha, Nebraska, a biology and physics major, who is a member of the university’s women’s basketball team.

“I believe that just speaks volumes to the kind of students that Concordia aims to bring in,” said Tegtmeier, who plans to pursue a career as a medical physicist.

“While I am Concordia’s first recipient, I’m confident that I will be one of many in future years. I cannot thank everyone enough who was involved in this process. It was extraordinary the amount of resources that Concordia put at Philly’s and my disposal to be as successful as we possibly could be.”

Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, Concordia president, said about Tegtmeier’s achievement, “Riley receiving this prestigious scholarship is a reflection of his outstanding academic ability, strong character and tireless work ethic. We are blessed to have students like Riley at Concordia, who are driven to serve the church and world by making meaningful contributions in the vocations through which God calls them to serve.”

The scholarship offers up to $50,000 in grants to support graduate study and related expenses in the United States or overseas. The award is conditioned on Creigh Weyer Scholars attending one of the top graduate schools in their chosen field. Previous Creigh Weyer Scholars have been accepted by some of the finest graduate schools in the United States, including Columbia, Duke, Emory, Georgetown, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, NYU, Northwestern, Yale, Penn, Purdue, University of California, University of Michigan, University of Texas and Yale. 

 Creigh Weyer Scholars are selected on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrated leadership potential,
  • High probability of becoming a leader who will have a substantial impact on his or her community,
  • Highest ethical standards and integrity,
  • Outstanding communication skills, and
  • Outstanding academic record with likely acceptance by a first-rate graduate school.
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