Job Outlook and Opportunities and Salaries for STEM Teachers

Full STEAM Ahead: The Path to Earning the STEAM or STEM Teacher Salary You Deserve Begins at Concordia Nebraska
Teachers have a critical task in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as STEAM (which adds the arts). They are educating future engineers, technologists and mathematicians and preparing students for other STEM jobs. If you’re someone with a passion for these areas of education, you likely don’t take this responsibility lightly.
After all, “The future of the economy is in STEM,” said James Brown, executive director of the STEM Education Coalition in Washington, D.C. “That’s where the jobs of tomorrow will be.”
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data confirm Brown’s prediction. According to the BLS, employment in STEM jobs is expected to grow by 10.5% through 2030. That’s an increase of more than 1 million jobs.
To meet this vital need, teachers must have the skills and preparation required to effectively educate future generations of advanced problem-solvers.
Becoming a STEM or STEAM teacher has other benefits, too. At the postsecondary level especially, STEM instructors can earn more than educators teaching other subjects. A STEM teacher salary can range from about $73,700 for mathematical science teachers to $103,600 for engineering teachers, according to BLS median annual wage data.
What is a STEAM Teacher? STEM vs. STEAM Teacher Job Description
If preparing students for future STEM jobs and earning a STEM teacher salary intrigues you, you might be wondering, What is a STEAM teacher, and how does this role differ from a STEM teacher? What does a STEAM teacher job description entail?
Educators who include STEM in their course work offer a tangible perspective on what students learn. A STEM teacher’s role could therefore encompass giving students opportunities to make connections between the content they are studying and the application of that content in authentic and relevant ways, according to the National Science Teaching Association.
What is a STEAM teacher going to add to the equation? The inclusion of the arts into a STEAM teacher job description goes beyond rounding out approaches to the scientific disciplines. Artistic processes such as creating, presenting and connecting are not only essential for an arts education; they’re essential to student success across all subjects, according to the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE).
To prepare students for STEM jobs and to meet future challenges head-on, they must be able to think critically. STEAM teachers and other educators can help students cultivate those skills by effectively incorporating STEAM into their instruction, SEADAE notes.
STEM and STEAM Teacher Careers to Consider
Now that you’ve got a firmer grasp on what is a STEAM teacher, if you’re a current or aspiring educator, you might find that a STEM or STEAM teacher job description calls to you. Read on for a deeper dive into the STEM teacher salary you can expect and more.
The majority of postsecondary educators teach in public and private colleges and universities, professional schools and community or junior colleges. Educators who teach K–12 typically teach in public and private grade schools, junior high schools and high schools.
Keep in mind that as an educator, your STEM teacher salary and job description may vary by your location, the subject and grade level you teach and other factors. Here are a few career paths to explore, with median annual salaries from the BLS:
- High school STEM teacher: $62,870
These educators typically focus on a core subject such as math or science and teach a variety of classes within that discipline. For example, as a math teacher, you may teach subjects such as algebra and geometry; as a science teacher, you may teach biology and environmental science.
To become a high school teacher, you typically will be required to have at least a bachelor’s degree, but many school districts prefer a master’s degree or graduate studies in a specialized area of expertise, such as STEM or STEAM for math and science educators. - Museum education manager: $61,600 (according to Glassdoor)
As a museum education manager, you may develop, implement, assess and oversee educational programs and special activities for students through grade 12. To do so, you’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree, though some larger museums may require advanced degrees and additional studies. - College instructor in STEM fields: $80,400–$90,400
As a college instructor in a STEM field, you may choose to teach in areas such as chemistry, environmental science and physics. Chemistry professors in 2020 earned a median annual STEM teacher salary of $80,400, whereas physics instructors earned $90,400. To teach at the undergraduate level, you must hold at least a master’s degree, though most colleges and universities require a doctoral or professional degree.
If you’re interested in these disciplines but aren’t sure if you’d like to become a STEM or STEAM teacher exclusively, no matter the subject you teach, your students will benefit from your background knowledge in these core subject areas.
“The future of the economy is in STEM.” — James Brown, executive director of the STEM Education Coalition in Washington, D.C.
Drawn to STEM and STEAM? Here’s the Outlook for Teaching Jobs in the Sciences
Scientific and technological innovations are becoming increasingly important in the 21st century as we juggle the benefits and challenges of globalization and a knowledge-based economy, according to a National Science Foundation report.
“To succeed in this new information-based and highly technological society,” the Foundation says, “all students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to levels much beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.”
Because of the need for people with the knowledge and skill sets to work and excel in future STEM jobs, it’s no surprise that the need for postsecondary teachers alone, STEM and STEAM teachers included, is anticipated to increase by 12% through 2030, according to the BLS. This is faster than average for all other occupations.
Whether you’re a current educator hoping to advance your career and earn a STEM teacher salary, or you’d like to learn more about what is a STEAM teacher, here’s something worth considering: Concordia University, Nebraska can help you meet your personal and professional goals.
A Bright Future as a STEM or STEAM Teacher Begins With a Distinctive Program
If you’re an educator interested in advancing your career, becoming a STEM or STEAM teacher and earning a STEM teacher salary, you can develop the skills and gain the knowledge you need at Concordia Nebraska.
Through our fully online Master of Education in curriculum and instruction program with a specialization in STEAM, you will acquire the knowledge you need to develop a balanced curriculum that incorporates technology, engineering and the arts into math and science learning. No matter the grade level you ultimately wish to teach, you’ll have the full skill set to effectively bring engineering, as well as the arts, into the classroom.
At Concordia Nebraska, you will gain a master’s degree with value(s). We are a faith-based community that blends academic rigor with Lutheran values to develop the whole person. Reach your greatest potential with a Concordia education—then help your students reach theirs.
Is Concordia Nebraska for you? Request more information today to learn more about how we can help you meet your personal and professional goals.
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