Students Win Scholarships and Awards at 2023 Student Art Exhibition

Each year, Concordia University, Nebraska art students submit work for the university’s annual Student Art Exhibition, and awards and scholarships are earned based on submitted work. This year's art scholarship and award recipients were announced at the Marxhausen Gallery of Art on April 23. The Student Art Exhibition is on display through May 3.
This year there were 107 entries, and this year’s awarded endowments and scholarships total more than $20,000.
Leo Sieck Endowment
The Leo Sieck Endowment was established to acknowledge an art student who demonstrates great potential as a scholar in art history, theory and research. To be considered for this award, the student must be a major in art and rank in the upper 10 percent of his or her class.
Harley Storie, sophomore, Valley Park, Mo.
Class of 1933 Endowment
Preference will be given to students in Lutheran teaching via education and service to the church. To be considered for this award, the student must be an art education major and pursuing a The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) degree certificate.
Julia Baker, sophomore, Poy Sippi, Wis.
Kayla Loesche, sophomore, Saint Louis, Mo.
Hannah Schaefer, sophomore, Albany, Ore.
Anna Sommerer, junior, Seward, Neb.
Harley Storie, sophomore, Valley Park, Mo.
Wayne and Wanda Lillich Endowment – Lillich Graphic Design
This award recognizes a student or students in graphic design that exemplifies professionalism, high attention to the craft of the discipline, and overall quality of their design work.
Elizabeth Lee, freshman, Fort Collins, Colo.
Sam Matthias, freshman, Seward, Neb.
Brommer Art Scholarship Award
The winner of the Brommer Art Scholarship Award shall demonstrate a strong witness of Christian faith, great work as a student and strong representation in the student exhibition.
Hannah Schaefer, sophomore, Albany, Ore.
Marxhausen Endowment
Students do not apply for the Marxhausen Endowment Scholarships. Established by Reinhold Marxhausen and family, these scholarship awards recognize great artwork across a broad group of students and media. This award scholarship is open to all art majors and minors currently enrolled at Concordia University, Nebraska and who will be returning for classes the following year. Selected by the faculty of the Department of Art during the department’s annual Student Art Exhibition, these honorable mentions are presented to student’s whose work in the exhibition merits outstanding attention for its creativity, high degree of quality and/or clarity of vision. These awards are granted primarily upon the student’s representation in the Annual Student Art Exhibition.
Julia Baker, sophomore, Poy Sippi, Wis.,
Ava Bartels, freshman, Lincoln, Neb.
Abigail Gerber, junior, Columbus, Neb.
Matt Hawes, junior, Omaha, Neb.
Hannah Helmer, sophomore, Seward, Neb.
Elizabeth Lee, freshman, Fort Collins, Colo.
Sam Matthias, freshman, Seward, Neb.
Kaitlyn Porter, sophomore, Seward, Neb.
Hannah Schaefer, sophomore, Albany, Ore.
Halley Shade, junior, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Heidi Van der Heijden, sophomore, Seward, Neb.
Aiden Weishaar, junior, Phillipsburg, Kan.
Are you interested in learning more about the art department at Concordia? Learn more here.
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