Three Students Are Inducted Into the 2023 National Music Honor Society

During this year’s honor recital program, three students were inducted into the Iota Nu Chapter of Pi Kappa Lambda, the national honor society for higher education music students. Music faculty may induct up to 20% of the senior class each year to the honor society. Students who are inducted must demonstrate the highest standards in both academic scholarship and musicianship throughout their academic careers. This year’s inductees were Renata Peperkorn, a church music and music education major from Fort Wayne, Indiana, Jennifer Horne, a church music major from Seward, Nebraska, and Hannah Cmeyla, a vocal performance and business administration major from Bay City, Michigan.
Pi Kappa Lambda seeks to recognize and encourage excellence in both musical academic scholarship and musical performance. So, students who are elected each year are those who have demonstrated outstanding work in both scholarship and performances. Dr. Jeffrey Blersch recognizes that “These students are representative of a much larger population of musical excellence which exists in our students and on our campus.”
Interested in learning more about opportunities with Concordia's music department? Learn more here.
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