Warren named outstanding teacher

Published by Concordia University, Nebraska 13 years ago on Mon, May 9, 2011 12:23 PM

Dr. Thad Warren, associate professor of education, was presented with the 2011 Outstanding Teaching Award at Concordia University, Nebraska’s commencement on May 7. The honor is given to a full-time faculty member who has been nominated by students and selected by a committee of students and faculty members who have previously received the award. The recipient is not revealed until his or her name is called during the graduation ceremony.

“I am very honored to receive this award,” said Warren. “It is very humbling to be recognized by the students, as I work with so many great colleagues who I hold in high esteem and who are great teachers. The students I see are truly excellent young men and women who have a true desire to grow and learn.”

Warren emphasized his love of teaching and of his opportunity to work with Concordia’s students.

“I believe that I have the greatest job in the world,” said Warren. “I get the opportunity to not only teach in the disciplines I love, but I get to walk with students as they wrestle with the questions of life. The most exciting opportunity that I get day to day is to share with students about the hope we have in Christ.”

See also: Watch a replay video of commencement / View photos

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