Concordia Stories

Faculty, News
Concordia Nebraska names Aaron Roberts as Associate Vice President of Undergraduate Enrollment
Feb 2, 2024
Alumni, Faculty
Staff Profile: James Jurchen, Director of IT Services
Feb 1, 2024
Campus Life, Students
Concordia Nebraska hosts luncheon for church work students 2024
Feb 1, 2024
Alumni, Faculty
Staff Profile: Jerrita Staehr, Assistant Professor of Education and Director of Field Experience
Feb 1, 2024
Academics, Graduate School, News
Concordia University, Nebraska launches two new family life focused graduate degree programs
Jan 31, 2024
Alumni, Faculty
Concordia Nebraska employee Marcile Brehmer retires after more than 53 years at the university
Jan 29, 2024
Campus Life
Building a Morning Routine in College
Jan 29, 2024
Concordia Nebraska staff, students and alumni enjoy unforgettable New Zealand study tour
Jan 26, 2024
Concordia’s Chamber Choir to Embark on Spring 2024 Tour
Jan 26, 2024
Faculty, News
Concordia Nebraska announces retirement of Dr. Mark Blanke, names Dr. Thaddeus Warren as incoming DCE Program Director
Jan 25, 2024
10 Reasons to Major in Secondary Education
Jan 24, 2024
President's Office
Concordia Invitational Tournament (CIT) Update
Jan 24, 2024
Academics, Campus Life
How to Use a Planner in College
Jan 22, 2024
Campus Life, Students
The Art of Double Majoring
Jan 22, 2024
National Lutheran Schools Week: Alumnus and classical education advocate Rev. John Mark Bussman followed God’s call to serve the church and Lutheran schools
Jan 19, 2024
Campus Life
Concordia Nebraska to welcome two guest speakers as part of Spring 2024 public lecture series
Jan 17, 2024
Campus Life
How to Be Productive in College
Jan 15, 2024
What You Can Do with a Church Music Degree
Jan 12, 2024
Syllabus Week
Jan 12, 2024
News, Institutes
Center for Liturgical Art Conserves 12 Reinhold Marxhausen Mosaics
Jan 10, 2024