Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

Concordia (NE) (2-1,2-1) vs. Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (0-3,0-2)

Date: 9/14/2024  • Site: Mitchell, S.D.  • Stadium:  •  Attendance: 500

Score by Quarters  Score 
Concordia (NE)   7  14  7  14  42 
Dakota Wesleyan (SD)  0  0  0  7  7 

1st  11:41  CUNEFB   Daylan Russell 12 yd pass from DJ McGarvie (Peyton Atwood kick) 
         10 plays, 75 yards, TOP 3:19  7 - 0 
2nd  10:33  CUNEFB   Carlos Collazo 51 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick) 
         2 plays, 80 yards, TOP 1:01  14 - 0 
  03:07  CUNEFB   Carlos Collazo 4 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick) 
         11 plays, 87 yards, TOP 4:16  21 - 0 
3rd  06:11  CUNEFB   Mark Arp 1 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick) 
         13 plays, 87 yards, TOP 5:20  28 - 0 
4th  14:01  DWU   Cole Holden 5 yd pass from Carter Robinson (Jaxon Patrick kick) 
         6 plays, 80 yards, TOP 2:44  28 - 7 
  10:13  CUNEFB   Mark Arp 2 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick) 
         10 plays, 75 yards, TOP 3:48  35 - 7 
  02:10  CUNEFB   Mark Arp 6 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick) 
         7 plays, 94 yards, TOP 3:25  42 - 7 

Kickoff time: 02:30 PM • End of Game: 05:00 PM • Total elapsed time: 2:30
Center judge: DWU  • 
Temperature:  • Wind:  • Weather:


Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

 Team Totals  CUNEFB  DWU 
FIRST DOWNS  28  20 
   Rushing  14 
   Passing  14  13 
   Rushing Attempts  41  25 
   Average Per Rush  8.1  4.2 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  335  124 
   Yards Lost Rushing  20 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  26-35-2  24-36-0 
   Average Per Attempt  8.8  7.4 
   Average Per Completion  11.9  11.1 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  76  61 
   Average Gain Per Play  8.4  6.1 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  6-68  4-46 
PUNTS-YARDS  2-91  6-212 
   Average Yards Per Punt  45.5  35.3 
   Net Yards Per Punt  35.5  32.0 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  8-412  2-127 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  51.5  63.5 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  41.1  40.0 
   Fair Catch Yards  20 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  0.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  1-22-0  2-33-0 
   Average Per Return  22.0  16.5 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  2-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  29:38  30:22 
   1st Quarter  8:31  6:29 
   2nd Quarter  5:49  9:11 
   3rd Quarter  8:05  6:55 
   4th Quarter  7:13  7:47 
Third-Down Conversions  6 of 12  4 of 12 
Fourth-Down Conversions  2 of 3  0 of 1 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  5-6  1-3 
   Touchdowns  5-6  1-3 
   Field goals  0-6  0-3 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  2-12  0-0 
PAT Kicks  6-6  1-1 
Field Goals  0-0  0-0 
Points off turnovers 


Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

Concordia (NE)
Dakota Wesleyan (SD)
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Mark Arp   32  213  210  31  6.6 
Carlos Collazo   116  116  51  14.5 
DJ McGarvie   6.0 
Totals...  41  335  332  51  8.1 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Koby Kayser   13  54  52  16  4.0 
Jaiden Walton   45  41  20  8.2 
Carter Robinson  25  12  13  10  2.2 
Lane Darrow   -2  -2.0 
Totals...  25  124  20  104  20  4.2 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
DJ McGarvie   26-35-2  309  39 
Totals...  26-35-2  309  39 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Carter Robinson  21-33-0  234  46 
Jed Jenson   2-2-0  20  11 
Landon Iverson   1-1-0  12  12 
Totals...  24-36-0  266  46 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Jablonski   142  39 
Adam Van Cleave  77  29 
John Goodwin   45  17 
Mark Arp   15  11 
Tanner Frahm   10 
Max Bartels  
Daylan Russell   12  12 
Braxton Borer  
Kadence Velde  
Totals...  26  309  39 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Cole Holden   85  46 
Jackson Jarding  34  11 
Mason Barnhard   39  22 
Preston Nedved   33  17 
Nolan Dvorak   27  22 
Lane Darrow   16  16 
Koby Kayser   12  12 
Jaiden Walton   12  12 
Caleb Kilbride   11  11 
Landon Iverson   -3 
Totals...  24  266  46 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Braxtyn Koch   91  45.5  52 
Totals...  91  45.5  52 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Samuel Welch   212  35.3  40 
Totals...  212  35.3  40 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Adam Van Cleave  22  22 
Totals...  22  22 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Landon Iverson   33  22 
Landon Ruesink  
Kalen Stevenson 
Totals...  33  22 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Mark Arp   210  15  225 
Jablonski   142  142 
Carlos Collazo   116  116 
Adam Van Cleave  77  22  99 
John Goodwin   45  45 
Daylan Russell   12  12 
Tanner Frahm   10  10 
DJ McGarvie  
Max Bartels  
Braxton Borer  
Kadence Velde  
Totals...  332  309  22  663 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Cole Holden   85  85 
Koby Kayser   52  12  64 
Jaiden Walton   41  12  53 
Mason Barnhard   39  39 
Jackson Jarding  34  34 
Preston Nedved   33  33 
Landon Iverson   -3  33  30 
Nolan Dvorak   27  27 
Lane Darrow   -2  16  14 
Carter Robinson  13  13 
Caleb Kilbride   11  11 
Totals...  104  266  33  403 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Admir Mujkic   412  51.5 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Jaxon Patrick   127  63.5 
FUMBLES: Concordia (NE)-None. Dakota Wesleyan (SD)-Carter Robinson 1-1.


Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
CUNEFB   1st  V25  15:00  Kickoff  H00  11:41  TOUCHDOWN  10-75  3:19 
CUNEFB   1st  V22  09:29  Punt  V42  06:12     Punt  5-20  3:17    
CUNEFB   1st  V47  02:44  Punt  H39  00:49     Punt  5-14  1:55    
CUNEFB   2nd  V20  11:34  Punt  H00  10:33  TOUCHDOWN  2-80  1:01    
CUNEFB   2nd  V13  07:23  Punt  H00  03:07  TOUCHDOWN  11-87  4:16 
CUNEFB   2nd  H35  03:07  Kickoff  H35  03:07     Kickoff  0-0  0:00    
CUNEFB   2nd  V26  00:32  Fumble  H41  00:00     Interception  5-33  0:32    
CUNEFB   3rd  V13  11:31  Punt  H00  06:11  TOUCHDOWN  13-87  5:20 
CUNEFB   3rd  V34  04:30  Punt  H13  01:45     Interception  8-53  2:45 
CUNEFB   4th  V25  14:01  Kickoff  H00  10:13  TOUCHDOWN  10-75  3:48 
CUNEFB   4th  V06  05:35  Downs  H00  02:10  TOUCHDOWN  7-94  3:25 
DWU   1st  H25  11:41  Kickoff  H40  09:29     Punt  4-15  2:12    
DWU   1st  H06  06:12  Punt  H24  02:44     Punt  6-18  3:28    
DWU   1st  H20  00:49  Punt  V38  11:34     Punt  9-42  4:15    
DWU   2nd  H25  10:33  Kickoff  V44  07:23     Punt  5-31  3:10    
DWU   2nd  H35  03:07  Kickoff  V26  00:32     Fumble  9-39  2:35 
DWU   2nd  H05  00:00  Interception  H05  00:00     End of half  0-0  0:00    
DWU   3rd  H27  14:54  Kickoff  V49  11:31     Punt  6-24  3:23    
DWU   3rd  H25  06:11  Kickoff  H26  04:30     Punt  3-1  1:41    
DWU   3rd  H20  01:45  Interception  V00  14:01  TOUCHDOWN  6-80  2:44 
DWU   4th  H40  10:13  Kickoff  V06  05:35     Downs  7-54  4:38 
DWU   4th  H16  02:00  Kickoff  V19  00:00     0:00  6-65  2:00    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Concordia (NE)   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   08:31   05:49   08:05   07:13      14:20   15:18      29:38  
3rd Down Conversions   0/3   2/3   2/4   2/2      2/6   4/6      6/12  
Average field position  V31   V19   V23   V15      V25   V19      V23  
4th Down Conversions   1/1   0/1   1/1   0/0      1/2   1/1      2/3  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Dakota Wesleyan (SD)  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   06:29   09:11   06:55   07:47      15:40   14:42      30:22  
3rd Down Conversions   1/3   3/6   0/2   0/1      4/9   0/3      4/12  
Average field position  H17   H30   H24   H28      H22   H25      H23  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/0   0/0   0/1      0/0   0/1      0/1  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
CUNEFB   1st  V25  15:00  Kickoff  H00  11:41  TOUCHDOWN  10-75  3:19 
DWU   1st  H25  11:41  Kickoff  H40  09:29     Punt  4-15  2:12    
CUNEFB   1st  V22  09:29  Punt  V42  06:12     Punt  5-20  3:17    
DWU   1st  H06  06:12  Punt  H24  02:44     Punt  6-18  3:28    
CUNEFB   1st  V47  02:44  Punt  H39  00:49     Punt  5-14  1:55    
DWU   1st  H20  00:49  Punt  V38  11:34     Punt  9-42  4:15    
CUNEFB   2nd  V20  11:34  Punt  H00  10:33  TOUCHDOWN  2-80  1:01    
DWU   2nd  H25  10:33  Kickoff  V44  07:23     Punt  5-31  3:10    
CUNEFB   2nd  V13  07:23  Punt  H00  03:07  TOUCHDOWN  11-87  4:16 
CUNEFB   2nd  H35  03:07  Kickoff  H35  03:07     Kickoff  0-0  0:00    
DWU   2nd  H35  03:07  Kickoff  V26  00:32     Fumble  9-39  2:35 
CUNEFB   2nd  V26  00:32  Fumble  H41  00:00     Interception  5-33  0:32    
DWU   2nd  H05  00:00  Interception  H05  00:00     End of half  0-0  0:00    
DWU   3rd  H27  14:54  Kickoff  V49  11:31     Punt  6-24  3:23    
CUNEFB   3rd  V13  11:31  Punt  H00  06:11  TOUCHDOWN  13-87  5:20 
DWU   3rd  H25  06:11  Kickoff  H26  04:30     Punt  3-1  1:41    
CUNEFB   3rd  V34  04:30  Punt  H13  01:45     Interception  8-53  2:45 
DWU   3rd  H20  01:45  Interception  V00  14:01  TOUCHDOWN  6-80  2:44 
CUNEFB   4th  V25  14:01  Kickoff  H00  10:13  TOUCHDOWN  10-75  3:48 
DWU   4th  H40  10:13  Kickoff  V06  05:35     Downs  7-54  4:38 
CUNEFB   4th  V06  05:35  Downs  H00  02:10  TOUCHDOWN  7-94  3:25 
DWU   4th  H16  02:00  Kickoff  V19  00:00     0:00  6-65  2:00    


Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

##  Concordia (NE)   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
23  Grant Huss   1.0/2   .   .   .  
6   Jaden Seier   1.0/2   .   .   .  
8   Luke Penrod   2.0/7   .   .   .  
7   Kyle Sterup   1.0/3   .   .   1.0/3  
0   Devon Polley   1.0/9   .   .   1.0/9  
40  Michael Grindey  .   .   .   .  
11  Daylan Henson   .   .   .   .  
22  Deegan Barnes   .   .   .   .  
TM  Team   .   .   .   .  
5   Braylen Muhle   .   .   .   .  
42  Drake Trent   .   .   .   .  
30  Joe Kahrs   .   .   .   .  
91  Stephen Hughes   .   1-0   .   .  
1D  Will Potratz   .   .   .   .  
##  Dakota Wesleyan (SD)  Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
11  Grayson Hanson   12  .   .   .   .  
0   Darnell Davis   .   .   .   .  
40  Cody Winslow   1.0/2   .   .   .  
5D  Gavin Haselhors  .   .   .   .  
22  Kalen Stevenson  .   .   1-0   .  
44  Joseph VanOvers  1.0/1   .   .   .  
38  Ashton Munsell   .   .   .   .  
2   Jaiden Walton   .   .   .   .  
7   Landon Ruesink   .   .   1-0   .  
16  Mikey Hart   .   .   .   .  
39  Connor Kerkhove  .   .   .   .  
99  Weston Wollberg  .   .   .   .  
TM  Team   .   .   .   .  
34  Brodey Ballinge  .   .   .   .  
13  Maxwell Raab   .   .   .   .  
10  Jacob Marxhause  .   .   .   .  
26  Cody Cavanaugh   .   .   .   .  
31  Peyton Gordon   .   .   .   .  
49  Thomas Nathan   .   .   .   .  
30  Phillip Harzenb  .   .   .   .  


Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

Concordia (NE)  
Pos  ##  Offense 
RB   1   Mark Arp  
WR   2   Adam Van Cleave 
RB   3   DJ McGarvie  
WR   16  Jablonski  
TE   20  John Goodwin  
WR   29  Max Bartels  
LT   54  Cohen Carpenter 
C   56  J. Anderson  
RG   58  C. Schlepp  
LG   69  Tyler Walford  
RT   74  Blake Schlegel  
Concordia (NE)  
Pos  ##  Defense 
DL   0   Devon Polley  
CB   1D  Will Potratz  
CB   5D  Myles Lyons  
SF   6   Jaden Seier  
DE   7   Kyle Sterup  
SF   8   Luke Penrod  
SF   10  Braxton Borer  
LB   23  Grant Huss  
LB   40  Michael Grindey 
LB   43  Nick Leader  
DL   93  C. Fehlhafer  
Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 
Pos  ##  Offense 
WR   3   Cole Holden  
RB   05  Koby Kayser  
WR   12  Preston Nedved  
Slot  13  Maxwell Raab  
QB   14  Carter Robinson 
LT   56  John Pica  
C   61  Ethan Rogich  
RG   64  Brock Dyer  
RT   65  Andrew Kortemey 
LG   78  Dylan Albrecht  
TE   82  Nolan Dvorak  
Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 
Pos  ##  Defense 
LB   2   Jaiden Walton  
SF   5D  Gavin Haselhors 
CB   7   Landon Ruesink  
LB   11  Grayson Hanson  
CB   16  Mikey Hart  
SF   22  Kalen Stevenson 
DE   25  Ethan McCune  
SF   38  Ashton Munsell  
DL   40  Cody Winslow  
LB   44  Joseph VanOvers 
DE   88  Dexter Curry II 

Concordia (NE): 1P-Braxtyn Koch, 2A-Tanner Frahm, 5-Braylen Muhle, 7O-Carlos Collazo, 11-Daylan Henson, 12-Admir Mujkic, 13-Peyton Atwood, 15-Daylan Russell, 18-Isaac Rezac, 22-Deegan Barnes, 30-Joe Kahrs, 42-Drake Trent, 70-Kadence Velde, 81-Jackson Fry, 91-Stephen Hughes.

Dakota Wesleyan (SD): O2-Landon Iverson, 0-Darnell Davis, 4-Jed Jenson, 6-Mason Barnhard, 10-Jacob Marxhause, 24-Jackson Jarding, 26-Cody Cavanaugh, 30-Phillip Harzenb, 31-Peyton Gordon, 34-Brodey Ballinge, 35-Samuel Welch, 39-Connor Kerkhove, 42-Lane Darrow, 49-Thomas Nathan, 81-Caleb Kilbride, 94-Jaxon Patrick, 99-Weston Wollberg.


Box Score

Box Score (Final)
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

Score by Quarters     1  2  3  4   Score
-----------------    -- -- -- --   -----
Concordia (NE)......  7 14  7 14  - 42       Record: (2-1,2-1)
Dakota Wesleyan (SD)  0  0  0  7  -  7       Record: (0-3,0-2)

Scoring Summary:
1st 11:41 CUNEFB - Daylan Russell 12 yd pass from DJ McGarvie (Peyton Atwood kick), 10-75 3:19, CUNEFB 7 - DWU 0
2nd 10:33 CUNEFB - Carlos Collazo 51 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick), 2-80 1:01, CUNEFB 14 - DWU 0
    03:07 CUNEFB - Carlos Collazo 4 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick), 11-87 4:16, CUNEFB 21 - DWU 0
3rd 06:11 CUNEFB - Mark Arp 1 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick), 13-87 5:20, CUNEFB 28 - DWU 0
4th 14:01 DWU - Cole Holden 5 yd pass from Carter Robinson (Jaxon Patrick kick), 6-80 2:44, CUNEFB 28 - DWU 7
    10:13 CUNEFB - Mark Arp 2 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick), 10-75 3:48, CUNEFB 35 - DWU 7
    02:10 CUNEFB - Mark Arp 6 yd run (Peyton Atwood kick), 7-94 3:25, CUNEFB 42 - DWU 7

                                 CUNEFB      DWU
FIRST DOWNS...................       28       20
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............   41-332   25-104
PASSING YDS (NET).............      309      266
Passes Att-Comp-Int...........  35-26-2  36-24-0
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS.....   76-641   61-370
Fumble Returns-Yards..........      0-0      0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............      0-0      0-0
Kickoff Returns-Yards.........     1-22     2-33
Interception Returns-Yards....      0-0      2-0
Punts (Number-Avg)............   2-45.5   6-35.3
Fumbles-Lost..................      0-0      1-1
Penalties-Yards...............     6-68     4-46
Possession Time...............    29:38    30:22
Third-Down Conversions........  6 of 12  4 of 12
Fourth-Down Conversions.......   2 of 3   0 of 1
Red-Zone Scores-Chances.......      5-6      1-3
Sacks By: Number-Yards........     2-12      0-0

RUSHING: Concordia (NE)-Mark Arp 32-210; Carlos Collazo 8-116; DJ
McGarvie 1-6. Dakota Wesleyan (SD)-Koby Kayser 13-52; Jaiden Walton 5-41; Carter
Robinson 6-13; Lane Darrow 1-minus 2.

PASSING: Concordia (NE)-DJ McGarvie 26-35-2-309. Dakota Wesleyan
(SD)-Carter Robinson 21-33-0-234; Jed Jenson 2-2-0-20; Landon Iverson 1-1-0-12.

RECEIVING: Concordia (NE)-Jablonski 9-142; Adam Van Cleave 5-77; John
Goodwin 3-45; Mark Arp 2-15; Tanner Frahm 2-10; Max Bartels 2-5; Daylan Russell
1-12; Braxton Borer 1-2; Kadence Velde 1-1. Dakota Wesleyan (SD)-Cole Holden
7-85; Jackson Jarding 4-34; Mason Barnhard 3-39; Preston Nedved 3-33; Nolan
Dvorak 2-27; Lane Darrow 1-16; Jaiden Walton 1-12; Koby Kayser 1-12; Caleb
Kilbride 1-11; Landon Iverson 1-minus 3.

INTERCEPTIONS: Concordia (NE)-None. Dakota Wesleyan (SD)-Landon Ruesink
1-0; Kalen Stevenson 1-0.

FUMBLES: Concordia (NE)-None. Dakota Wesleyan (SD)-Carter Robinson 1-1.

Stadium:                       Attendance: 500
Kickoff time: 02:30 PM  End of Game: 05:00 PM  Total elapsed time: 2:30
Officials: Center judge: DWU;
Temperature:           Wind:           Weather:

Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.) SACKS (UA-A): Concordia (NE)-Kyle Sterup 1-0; Devon Polley 1-0. Dakota Wesleyan (SD)-None. TACKLES (UA-A): Concordia (NE)-Grant Huss 6-3; Jaden Seier 7-1; Luke Penrod 6-0; Kyle Sterup 4-2; Devon Polley 4-0; Michael Grindey 3-1; Daylan Henson 2-2; Deegan Barnes 3-0; Team 2-0; Drake Trent 1-0; Braylen Muhle 1-0; Joe Kahrs 0-1. Dakota Wesleyan (SD)-Grayson Hanson 8-4; Darnell Davis 5-3; Cody Winslow 6-1; Gavin Haselhors 5-1; Kalen Stevenson 4-2; Joseph VanOvers 3-3; Ashton Munsell 3-1; Jaiden Walton 2-2; Landon Ruesink 2-1; Mikey Hart 2-0; Connor Kerkhove 0-2; Cody Cavanaugh 1-0; Team 1-0; Jacob Marxhause 1-0; Peyton Gordon 1-0; Brodey Ballinge 1-0; Maxwell Raab 1-0; Weston Wollberg 1-0; Thomas Nathan 0-1; Phillip Harzenb 0-1. Game Starters: Concordia (NE) POS ## OFFENSE RB 1 Mark Arp WR 2 Adam Van Cleave RB 3 DJ McGarvie WR 16 Jablonski TE 20 John Goodwin WR 29 Max Bartels LT 54 Cohen Carpenter C 56 J. Anderson RG 58 C. Schlepp LG 69 Tyler Walford RT 74 Blake Schlegel POS ## DEFENSE DL 0 Devon Polley CB 1D Will Potratz CB 5D Myles Lyons SF 6 Jaden Seier DE 7 Kyle Sterup SF 8 Luke Penrod SF 10 Braxton Borer LB 23 Grant Huss LB 40 Michael Grindey LB 43 Nick Leader DL 93 C. Fehlhafer Dakota Wesleyan (SD) POS ## OFFENSE WR 3 Cole Holden RB 05 Koby Kayser WR 12 Preston Nedved Slot 13 Maxwell Raab QB 14 Carter Robinson LT 56 John Pica C 61 Ethan Rogich RG 64 Brock Dyer RT 65 Andrew Kortemey LG 78 Dylan Albrecht TE 82 Nolan Dvorak POS ## DEFENSE LB 2 Jaiden Walton SF 5D Gavin Haselhors CB 7 Landon Ruesink LB 11 Grayson Hanson CB 16 Mikey Hart SF 22 Kalen Stevenson DE 25 Ethan McCune SF 38 Ashton Munsell DL 40 Cody Winslow LB 44 Joseph VanOvers DE 88 Dexter Curry II Player participation: Concordia (NE): 1P-Braxtyn Koch, 2A-Tanner Frahm, 5-Braylen Muhle, 7O-Carlos Collazo, 11-Daylan Henson, 12-Admir Mujkic, 13-Peyton Atwood, 15-Daylan Russell, 18-Isaac Rezac, 22-Deegan Barnes, 30-Joe Kahrs, 42-Drake Trent, 70-Kadence Velde, 81-Jackson Fry, 91-Stephen Hughes. Dakota Wesleyan (SD): O2-Landon Iverson, 0-Darnell Davis, 4-Jed Jenson, 6-Mason Barnhard, 10-Jacob Marxhause, 24-Jackson Jarding, 26-Cody Cavanaugh, 30-Phillip Harzenb, 31-Peyton Gordon, 34-Brodey Ballinge, 35-Samuel Welch, 39-Connor Kerkhove, 42-Lane Darrow, 49-Thomas Nathan, 81-Caleb Kilbride, 94-Jaxon Patrick, 99-Weston Wollberg.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

1st Quarter

Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb35DWU ball on DWU35, clock 15:00.
Jaxon Patrick kickoff 62 yards to the CUNEFB3, Adam Van Cleave return 22 yards to the CUNEFB25 (Cody Cavanaugh).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb25CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 15:00.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb25Mark Arp rush for 2 yards to the CUNEFB27 (Cody Winslow).
Cunefb 2-8at Cunefb27DJ McGarvie pass complete to John Goodwin for 17 yards to the CUNEFB44, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Kalen Stevenson).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb44DJ McGarvie pass incomplete to Adam Van Cleave.
Cunefb 2-10at Cunefb44DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 6 yards to the 50 yardline (Gavin Haselhors).
Cunefb 3-4at Cunefb50Mark Arp rush for 3 yards to the DWU47 (Grayson Hanson;Joseph VanOvers).
Cunefb 4-1at Dwu47DJ McGarvie rush for 6 yards to the DWU41, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Peyton Gordon).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu41DJ McGarvie pass incomplete to Jablonski (Landon Ruesink).
Cunefb 2-10at Dwu41Mark Arp rush for 31 yards to the DWU10, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Phillip Harzenb;Gavin Haselhors).
Cunefb 1-Gat Dwu10Mark Arp rush for loss of 2 yards to the DWU12 (Cody Winslow).
Cunefb 2-Gat Dwu12DJ McGarvie pass complete to Daylan Russell for 12 yards to the DWU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 11:41.
Peyton Atwood kick attempt good.
Concordia (NE) 7, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 0
Drive: 10 plays, 75 yards, TOP 03:19
Admir Mujkic kickoff 65 yards to the DWU0, touchback.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 11:41.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25Koby Kayser rush for 16 yards to the DWU41, 1ST DOWN DWU (Jaden Seier).
Dwu 1-10at Dwu41Koby Kayser rush for 3 yards to the DWU44 (Kyle Sterup).
Dwu 2-7at Dwu44Jaiden Walton rush for loss of 4 yards to the DWU40 (Luke Penrod).
Dwu 3-11at Dwu40Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Preston Nedved.
Dwu 4-11at Dwu40Samuel Welch punt 38 yards to the CUNEFB22, fair catch by Adam Van Cleave.
Drive: 4 plays, 15 yards, TOP 02:12
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb22CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 09:29.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb22Mark Arp rush for 9 yards to the CUNEFB31 (Darnell Davis;Connor Kerkhove).
Cunefb 2-1at Cunefb31DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 30 yards to the DWU39 (Darnell Davis), PENALTY CUNEFB illegal participation (C. Schlepp) 6 yards to the CUNEFB25, NO PLAY.
Cunefb 2-7at Cunefb25Mark Arp rush for 8 yards to the CUNEFB33, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Gavin Haselhors).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb33Mark Arp rush for 6 yards to the CUNEFB39 (Darnell Davis).
Cunefb 2-4at Cunefb39DJ McGarvie rush for 8 yards to the CUNEFB47, out-of-bounds, PENALTY CUNEFB holding (Tyler Walford) 10 yards to the CUNEFB29, NO PLAY.
Cunefb 2-14at Cunefb29DJ McGarvie pass complete to Tanner Frahm for 2 yards to the CUNEFB31 (Darnell Davis).
Cunefb 3-12at Cunefb31DJ McGarvie pass complete to John Goodwin for 11 yards to the CUNEFB42 (Joseph VanOvers).
Cunefb 4-1at Cunefb42Braxtyn Koch punt 52 yards to the DWU6, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 5 plays, 20 yards, TOP 03:17
Dwu 1-10at Dwu06DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 06:12.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu06Koby Kayser rush for 1 yard to the DWU7 (Grant Huss).
Dwu 2-9at Dwu07Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 7 yards to the DWU14 (Devon Polley).
Dwu 3-2at Dwu14Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 6 yards to the DWU20, 1ST DOWN DWU (Braylen Muhle), out-of-bounds.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu20Koby Kayser rush for loss of 2 yards to the DWU18 (Grant Huss).
Dwu 2-12at Dwu18Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Preston Nedved.
Dwu 3-12at Dwu18Carter Robinson pass complete to Preston Nedved for 6 yards to the DWU24 (Grant Huss).
Dwu 4-6at Dwu24Samuel Welch punt 29 yards to the CUNEFB47, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 6 plays, 18 yards, TOP 03:28
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb47CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 02:44.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb47Carlos Collazo rush for 4 yards to the DWU49 (Grayson Hanson).
Cunefb 2-6at Dwu49DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 9 yards to the DWU40, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Jacob Marxhause).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu40DJ McGarvie pass complete to Adam Van Cleave for no gain to the DWU40 (Brodey Ballinge).
Cunefb 2-10at Dwu40DJ McGarvie pass complete to Kadence Velde for 1 yard to the DWU39 (Kalen Stevenson;Thomas Nathan).
Cunefb 3-9at Dwu39DJ McGarvie pass incomplete to Adam Van Cleave (Mikey Hart).
Cunefb 4-9at Dwu39Braxtyn Koch punt 39 yards to the DWU0, touchback.
Drive: 5 plays, 14 yards, TOP 01:55
Dwu 1-10at Dwu20DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 00:49.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu20Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Cole Holden.
Dwu 2-10at Dwu20Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 28 yards to the DWU48 (Luke Penrod), PENALTY DWU illegal participation (Dylan Albrecht) 5 yards to the DWU15, NO PLAY.
Dwu 2-15at Dwu15Carter Robinson pass complete to Preston Nedved for 10 yards to the DWU25 (Luke Penrod), out-of-bounds.
Drive: 2 plays, 5 yards, TOP 04:15
Concordia (NE) 7, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 0
2nd Quarter

Dwu 3-5at Dwu25Start of 2nd quarter, clock 15:00.
Dwu 3-5at Dwu25Carter Robinson pass complete to Nolan Dvorak for 5 yards to the DWU30, 1ST DOWN DWU (Team).
Dwu 1-10at Dwu30Koby Kayser rush for 4 yards to the DWU34 (Jaden Seier;Grant Huss).
Dwu 2-6at Dwu34Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Cole Holden.
Dwu 3-6at Dwu34Carter Robinson pass complete to Caleb Kilbride for 11 yards to the DWU45, 1ST DOWN DWU, out-of-bounds, PENALTY CUNEFB personal foul (Jackson Fry) 15 yards to the CUNEFB40, 1ST DOWN DWU.
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb40Carter Robinson pass complete to Landon Iverson for loss of 3 yards to the CUNEFB43 (Luke Penrod).
Dwu 2-13at Cunefb43Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 5 yards to the CUNEFB38 (Grant Huss;Daylan Henson).
Dwu 3-8at Cunefb38Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Preston Nedved (Grant Huss).
Dwu 4-8at Cunefb38Samuel Welch punt 38 yards to the CUNEFB0, touchback.
Drive: 9 plays, 42 yards, TOP 04:15
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb20CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 11:34.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb20Mark Arp rush for 29 yards to the CUNEFB49, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Kalen Stevenson), out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb49Carlos Collazo rush for 51 yards to the DWU0, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:33.
Peyton Atwood kick attempt good.
Concordia (NE) 14, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 0
Drive: 2 plays, 80 yards, TOP 01:01
Admir Mujkic kickoff 60 yards to the DWU5, fair catch by Jaiden Walton.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 10:33.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25DWU ball on DWU25, clock 10:33.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 10:33.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25Koby Kayser rush for 4 yards to the DWU29 (Michael Grindey).
Dwu 2-6at Dwu29Carter Robinson pass complete to Nolan Dvorak for 22 yards to the CUNEFB49, 1ST DOWN DWU (Deegan Barnes).
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb49Koby Kayser rush for 1 yard to the CUNEFB48 (Devon Polley).
Dwu 2-9at Cunefb48Carter Robinson pass complete to Jackson Jarding for 4 yards to the CUNEFB44 (Luke Penrod).
Dwu 3-5at Cunefb44Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Cole Holden.
Dwu 4-5at Cunefb44Samuel Welch punt 31 yards to the CUNEFB13, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 5 plays, 31 yards, TOP 03:10
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb13CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 07:23.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb13Mark Arp rush for 15 yards to the CUNEFB28, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Grayson Hanson;Ashton Munsell).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb28Mark Arp rush for no gain to the CUNEFB28 (Cody Winslow).
Cunefb 2-10at Cunefb28Mark Arp rush for 4 yards to the CUNEFB32 (Cody Winslow).
Cunefb 3-6at Cunefb32DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 9 yards to the CUNEFB41, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Ashton Munsell).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb41Mark Arp rush for 7 yards to the CUNEFB48 (Maxwell Raab).
Cunefb 2-3at Cunefb48DJ McGarvie pass complete to Max Bartels for 3 yards to the DWU49, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB, out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu49Mark Arp rush for 4 yards to the DWU45 (Jaiden Walton).
Cunefb 2-6at Dwu45Mark Arp rush for 2 yards to the DWU43 (Connor Kerkhove;Kalen Stevenson).
Cunefb 3-4at Dwu43DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 7 yards to the DWU36, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Darnell Davis).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu36DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 32 yards to the DWU4, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Grayson Hanson), out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 1-Gat Dwu04Carlos Collazo rush for 4 yards to the DWU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:07.
Peyton Atwood kick attempt good.
Concordia (NE) 21, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 0
Drive: 11 plays, 87 yards, TOP 04:16
Admir Mujkic kickoff 61 yards to the DWU4, out-of-bounds, CUNEFB ball on DWU35, clock 03:07.
Admir Mujkic kickoff 31 yards to the DWU4, out-of-bounds, DWU ball on DWU35, clock 03:07.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu35DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 03:07.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu35Koby Kayser rush for 4 yards to the DWU39 (Drake Trent).
Dwu 2-6at Dwu39Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 10 yards to the DWU49, 1ST DOWN DWU (Jaden Seier).
Dwu 1-10at Dwu49Timeout Dakota Wesleyan (SD), clock 02:00.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu49Carter Robinson pass complete to Koby Kayser for 12 yards to the CUNEFB39, 1ST DOWN DWU, out-of-bounds.
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb39Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Cole Holden (Will Potratz).
Dwu 2-10at Cunefb39Carter Robinson pass complete to Mason Barnhard for 2 yards to the CUNEFB37, out-of-bounds.
Dwu 3-8at Cunefb37Carter Robinson pass complete to Mason Barnhard for 15 yards to the CUNEFB22, 1ST DOWN DWU, out-of-bounds.
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb22Koby Kayser rush for 5 yards to the CUNEFB17 (Kyle Sterup).
Dwu 2-5at Cunefb17Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Koby Kayser.
Dwu 3-5at Cunefb17Timeout Dakota Wesleyan (SD), clock 00:40.
Dwu 3-5at Cunefb17Carter Robinson sacked for loss of 9 yards to the CUNEFB26 (Devon Polley), fumble by Carter Robinson recovered by CUNEFB Stephen Hughes at CUNEFB26.
Drive: 9 plays, 39 yards, TOP 02:35
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb26CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 00:32.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb26DJ McGarvie pass complete to Adam Van Cleave for 29 yards to the DWU45, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB.
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu45Timeout Concordia (NE), clock 00:25.
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu45DJ McGarvie pass incomplete to Max Bartels.
Cunefb 2-10at Dwu45DJ McGarvie pass complete to Mark Arp for 4 yards to the DWU41 (Gavin Haselhors), out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 3-6at Dwu41DJ McGarvie pass incomplete to Jablonski.
Cunefb 4-6at Dwu41Timeout Concordia (NE), clock 00:05.
Cunefb 4-6at Dwu41DJ McGarvie pass intercepted by Landon Ruesink at the DWU5, Landon Ruesink return 0 yards to the DWU5.
Drive: 5 plays, 33 yards, TOP 00:32
Dwu 1-10at Dwu05DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 00:00.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu05End of half, clock 00:00.
Concordia (NE) 21, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 0
3rd Quarter

Dwu 1-10at Dwu05Start of 3rd quarter, clock 15:00, CUNEFB ball on CUNEFB30.
Admir Mujkic kickoff 65 yards to the DWU5, Landon Iverson return 22 yards to the DWU27 (Grant Huss), PENALTY CUNEFB personal foul (Grant Huss) 15 yards to the DWU42.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu42DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 14:54.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu42Koby Kayser rush for 5 yards to the DWU47 (Michael Grindey;Kyle Sterup).
Dwu 2-5at Dwu47Koby Kayser rush for 5 yards to the CUNEFB48, 1ST DOWN DWU (Michael Grindey).
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb48Koby Kayser rush for 2 yards to the CUNEFB46 (Grant Huss;Kyle Sterup).
Dwu 2-8at Cunefb46Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 6 yards to the CUNEFB40 (Jaden Seier), PENALTY DWU pass interference (Preston Nedved) 21 yards to the DWU39.
Dwu 2-23at Dwu39Landon Iverson pass complete to Jaiden Walton for 12 yards to the CUNEFB49 (Grant Huss), out-of-bounds.
Dwu 3-11at Cunefb49Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Cole Holden.
Dwu 4-11at Cunefb49Samuel Welch punt 36 yards to the CUNEFB13, fair catch by Adam Van Cleave.
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 03:23
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb13CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 11:31.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb13DJ McGarvie pass complete to John Goodwin for 17 yards to the CUNEFB30, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Grayson Hanson).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb30Mark Arp rush for 25 yards to the DWU45, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Grayson Hanson), out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu45Carlos Collazo rush for 1 yard to the DWU44 (Grayson Hanson).
Cunefb 2-9at Dwu44DJ McGarvie pass complete to Tanner Frahm for 8 yards to the DWU36 (Team).
Cunefb 3-1at Dwu36Mark Arp rush for 3 yards to the DWU33, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Grayson Hanson).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu33Mark Arp rush for 12 yards to the DWU21, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Mikey Hart).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu21Mark Arp rush for 11 yards to the DWU10 (Jaiden Walton), PENALTY CUNEFB holding (Cohen Carpenter) 7 yards to the DWU28, NO PLAY.
Cunefb 1-17at Dwu28Mark Arp rush for 2 yards to the DWU26 (Jaiden Walton;Joseph VanOvers).
Cunefb 2-15at Dwu26DJ McGarvie pass complete to Mark Arp for 11 yards to the DWU15 (Landon Ruesink), out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 3-4at Dwu15Mark Arp rush for 5 yards to the DWU10, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Jaiden Walton).
Cunefb 1-Gat Dwu10Mark Arp rush for 3 yards to the DWU7 (Darnell Davis).
Cunefb 2-Gat Dwu07Mark Arp rush for loss of 1 yard to the DWU8 (Joseph VanOvers).
Cunefb 3-Gat Dwu08DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 7 yards to the DWU1 (Grayson Hanson).
Cunefb 4-Gat Dwu01Mark Arp rush for 1 yard to the DWU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:11.
Peyton Atwood kick attempt good.
Concordia (NE) 28, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 0
Drive: 13 plays, 87 yards, TOP 05:20
Admir Mujkic kickoff 65 yards to the DWU0, touchback.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 06:11.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu25Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Nolan Dvorak.
Dwu 2-10at Dwu25Koby Kayser rush for 4 yards to the DWU29 (Grant Huss).
Dwu 3-6at Dwu29Carter Robinson sacked for loss of 3 yards to the DWU26 (Kyle Sterup).
Dwu 4-9at Dwu26Samuel Welch punt 40 yards to the CUNEFB34, fair catch by Adam Van Cleave.
Drive: 3 plays, 1 yards, TOP 01:41
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb34CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 04:30.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb34Carlos Collazo rush for 5 yards to the CUNEFB39 (Kalen Stevenson).
Cunefb 2-5at Cunefb39DJ McGarvie pass complete to Adam Van Cleave for 22 yards to the DWU39, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Ashton Munsell).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu39DJ McGarvie pass complete to Adam Van Cleave for 14 yards to the DWU25, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Ashton Munsell).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu25DJ McGarvie pass incomplete to Daylan Russell.
Cunefb 2-10at Dwu25DJ McGarvie pass complete to Adam Van Cleave for 12 yards to the DWU13, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Mikey Hart).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu13DJ McGarvie pass incomplete to John Goodwin (Kalen Stevenson).
Cunefb 2-10at Dwu13Carlos Collazo rush for no gain to the DWU13 (Joseph VanOvers;Grayson Hanson).
Cunefb 3-10at Dwu13DJ McGarvie pass intercepted by Kalen Stevenson at the DWU0, Kalen Stevenson return 0 yards to the DWU0, out-of-bounds, touchback, clock 01:45.
Drive: 8 plays, 53 yards, TOP 05:29
Dwu 1-10at Dwu20Carter Robinson pass complete to Mason Barnhard for 22 yards to the DWU42, 1ST DOWN DWU (Jaden Seier).
Dwu 1-10at Dwu42PENALTY DWU false start 5 yards to the DWU37.
Dwu 1-15at Dwu37Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Nolan Dvorak.
Dwu 2-15at Dwu37Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 46 yards to the CUNEFB17, 1ST DOWN DWU (Deegan Barnes), PENALTY DWU unsportsmanlike conduct 15 yards to the CUNEFB32.
Dwu 1-25at Cunefb32Timeout Concordia (NE), clock 00:23.
Dwu 1-25at Cunefb32Carter Robinson pass complete to Preston Nedved for 17 yards to the CUNEFB15 (Jaden Seier).
Drive: 4 plays, 65 yards, TOP 00:59
Concordia (NE) 28, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 0
4th Quarter

Dwu 2-8at Cunefb15Start of 4th quarter, clock 15:00.
Dwu 2-8at Cunefb15Carter Robinson rush for 10 yards to the CUNEFB5, 1ST DOWN DWU (Michael Grindey).
Dwu 1-Gat Cunefb05Carter Robinson pass complete to Cole Holden for 5 yards to the CUNEFB0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 14:01.
Jaxon Patrick kick attempt good.
Concordia (NE) 28, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 7
Drive: 6 plays, 80 yards, TOP 00:59
Jaxon Patrick kickoff 65 yards to the CUNEFB0, touchback.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb25CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 14:01.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb25Mark Arp rush for 1 yard to the CUNEFB26 (Cody Winslow).
Cunefb 2-9at Cunefb26DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 39 yards to the DWU35, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Landon Ruesink).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu35Mark Arp rush for 6 yards to the DWU29 (Kalen Stevenson).
Cunefb 2-4at Dwu29Mark Arp rush for 4 yards to the DWU25, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Cody Winslow).
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu25Mark Arp rush for 3 yards to the DWU22 (Grayson Hanson).
Cunefb 2-7at Dwu22Mark Arp rush for 3 yards to the DWU19 (Jaiden Walton;Darnell Davis).
Cunefb 3-4at Dwu19Mark Arp rush for 11 yards to the DWU8, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Joseph VanOvers).
Cunefb 1-Gat Dwu08Timeout Dakota Wesleyan (SD), clock 11:13.
Cunefb 1-Gat Dwu08Mark Arp rush for 4 yards to the DWU4 (Darnell Davis).
Cunefb 2-Gat Dwu04DJ McGarvie pass complete to Braxton Borer for 2 yards to the DWU2 (Grayson Hanson;Landon Ruesink).
Cunefb 3-Gat Dwu02Mark Arp rush for 2 yards to the DWU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:13.
Peyton Atwood kick attempt good.
Concordia (NE) 35, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 7
Drive: 10 plays, 75 yards, TOP 03:48
Admir Mujkic kickoff 25 yards to the DWU40, fair catch by Jackson Jarding, PENALTY CUNEFB personal foul 15 yards to the CUNEFB45.
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb45DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 10:13.
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb45Carter Robinson rush for 7 yards to the CUNEFB38.
Dwu 2-3at Cunefb38Carter Robinson pass complete to Lane Darrow for 16 yards to the CUNEFB22, 1ST DOWN DWU (Jaden Seier), out-of-bounds.
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb22Carter Robinson pass complete to Jackson Jarding for 10 yards to the CUNEFB12, 1ST DOWN DWU (Luke Penrod), out-of-bounds.
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb12Carter Robinson rush for 4 yards to the CUNEFB8 (Kyle Sterup), out-of-bounds.
Dwu 2-6at Cunefb08Carter Robinson rush for 4 yards to the CUNEFB4 (Luke Penrod).
Dwu 3-2at Cunefb04Lane Darrow rush for loss of 2 yards to the CUNEFB6 (Jaden Seier).
Dwu 4-4at Cunefb06Timeout Dakota Wesleyan (SD), clock 05:41.
Dwu 4-4at Cunefb06Carter Robinson pass incomplete to Cole Holden.
Drive: 7 plays, 54 yards, TOP 04:38
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb06CONCORDIA (NE) drive start at 05:35.
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb06Carlos Collazo rush for 16 yards to the CUNEFB22, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Gavin Haselhors).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb22DJ McGarvie pass complete to Max Bartels for 2 yards to the CUNEFB24, out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 2-8at Cunefb24DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 9 yards to the CUNEFB33, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Weston Wollberg).
Cunefb 1-10at Cunefb33DJ McGarvie pass complete to Jablonski for 24 yards to the DWU43, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB, out-of-bounds.
Cunefb 1-10at Dwu43Carlos Collazo rush for 35 yards to the DWU8, 1ST DOWN CUNEFB (Gavin Haselhors).
Cunefb 1-Gat Dwu08Mark Arp rush for 2 yards to the DWU6 (Darnell Davis;Cody Winslow).
Cunefb 2-Gat Dwu06Mark Arp rush for 6 yards to the DWU0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:10.
Peyton Atwood kick attempt good.
Concordia (NE) 42, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 7
Drive: 7 plays, 94 yards, TOP 03:35
Admir Mujkic kickoff 60 yards to the DWU5, Landon Iverson return 11 yards to the DWU16 (Deegan Barnes).
Dwu 1-10at Dwu16DAKOTA WESLEYAN (SD) drive start at 02:00.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu16Jaiden Walton rush for 2 yards to the DWU18 (Devon Polley).
Dwu 2-8at Dwu18Jed Jenson pass complete to Jackson Jarding for 9 yards to the DWU27, 1ST DOWN DWU, out-of-bounds.
Dwu 1-10at Dwu27Jaiden Walton rush for 20 yards to the DWU47, 1ST DOWN DWU (Daylan Henson;Joe Kahrs).
Dwu 1-10at Dwu47Jaiden Walton rush for 12 yards to the CUNEFB41, 1ST DOWN DWU (Team).
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb41Jaiden Walton rush for 11 yards to the CUNEFB30, 1ST DOWN DWU (Daylan Henson).
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb30Jed Jenson pass complete to Jackson Jarding for 11 yards to the CUNEFB19, 1ST DOWN DWU (Daylan Henson).
Dwu 1-10at Cunefb19Clock 00:00.
Drive: 6 plays, 65 yards, TOP 02:00
Concordia (NE) 42, Dakota Wesleyan (SD) 7

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)
2024 Concordia University Football
Concordia (NE) vs Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (9/14/2024 at Mitchell, S.D.)

Concordia (NE)                         Dakota Wesleyan (SD)

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   41   35     76     OVERALL..........   23   38     61
1ST DOWN.........   25   12     37     1ST DOWN.........   17   11     28
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    0    1      1     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    0    1      1
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    3      6     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    4      6
2ND DOWN-LONG....    6   11     17     2ND DOWN-LONG....    3   10     13
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    0      2     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    1    1      2
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    3    1      4     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0
3RD DOWN-LONG....    0    6      6     3RD DOWN-LONG....    0   10     10
4TH DOWN.........    2    1      3     4TH DOWN.........    0    1      1

Concordia (NE)                         Dakota Wesleyan (SD)

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   41   35     76       ...............   23   38     61

Concordia (NE) (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (25 RUN, 12 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 H25 #1 3 [ ] 1-10 H25 #3 to #15 - [ ] 1-10 H35 #1 6 [ ] 1-10 V33 #3 to #16 24 [ ] 1-10 V25 #1 1 [ ] 1-10 H36 #3 to #16 32 [ ] 1-10 V22 #1 9 [ ] 1-10 H41 #3 to #16 - [ ] 1-10 V33 #1 6 [ ] 1-10 V44 #3 to #2 - [ ] 1-10 H10 #1 3 [ ] 1-10 H39 #3 to #2 14 [ ] 1-17 H28 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 V26 #3 to #2 29 [ ] 1-10 H33 #1 12 [ ] 1-10 H40 #3 to #2 0 [ ] 1-10 V30 #1 25 [ ] 1-10 V13 #3 to #20 17 [ ] 1-8 H08 #1 4 [ ] 1-10 H13 #3 to #20 - [ ] 1-10 H49 #1 4 [ ] 1-10 V22 #3 to #29 2 [ ] 1-10 V41 #1 7 [ ] 1-10 H45 #3 to #29 - [ ] 1-10 H10 #1 -2 [ ] 1-10 V28 #1 0 [ ] 1-10 V13 #1 15 [ ] 1-10 V20 #1 29 [ ] 1-8 H08 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 V25 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 V34 #7O 5 [ ] 1-10 H43 #7O 35 [ ] 1-10 H45 #7O 1 [ ] 1-10 V06 #7O 16 [ ] 1-10 V47 #7O 4 [ ] 1-10 V49 #7O 51 [ ] 1-4 H04 #7O 4 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 V48 #3 to #29 3 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (3 RUN, 3 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 H29 #1 4 [ ] 2-4 H04 #3 to #10 2 [ ] 2-6 H45 #1 2 [ ] 2-6 H49 #3 to #16 9 [ ] 2-6 H06 #1 6 [ ] 2-5 V39 #3 to #2 22 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (6 RUN, 11 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-7 H22 #1 3 [ ] 2-10 H45 #3 to #1 4 [ ] 2-7 V25 #1 8 [ ] 2-15 H26 #3 to #1 11 [ ] 2-7 H07 #1 -1 [ ] 2-12 H12 #3 to #15 12 [ ] 2-10 V28 #1 4 [ ] 2-10 V44 #3 to #16 6 [ ] 2-10 H41 #1 31 [ ] 2-9 V26 #3 to #16 39 [ ] 2-10 H13 #7O 0 [ ] 2-8 V24 #3 to #16 9 [ ] 2-10 H25 #3 to #2 12 [ ] 2-8 V27 #3 to #20 17 [ ] 2-9 H44 #3 to #2A 8 [ ] 2-14 V29 #3 to #2A 2 [ ] 2-10 H40 #3 to #70 1 [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 H36 #1 3 [ ] 3-2 H02 #1 2 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (3 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-4 H19 #1 11 [ ] 3-4 H43 #3 to #16 7 [ ] 3-4 H15 #1 5 [ ] 3-4 V50 #1 3 [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (0 RUN, 6 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-8 H08 #3 to #16 7 [ ] 3-6 H41 #3 to #16 - [ ] 3-6 V32 #3 to #16 9 [ ] 3-9 H39 #3 to #2 - [ ] 3-12 V31 #3 to #20 11 [ ] 3-10 H13 #3 to #22 INT [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-1 H01 #1 1 [ ] 4-6 H41 #3 to #7 INT [ ] 4-1 H47 #3 6 [ ]
Dakota Wesleyan (SD) (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (17 RUN, 11 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 H42 #05 5 [ ] 1-10 H49 #14 to #05 12 [ ] 1-10 V48 #05 2 [ ] 1-25 V32 #14 to #12 17 [ ] 1-10 H20 #05 -2 [ ] 1-10 V30 #4 to #24 11 [ ] 1-10 H35 #05 4 [ ] 1-10 V22 #14 to #24 10 [ ] 1-10 V22 #05 5 [ ] 1-10 V39 #14 to #3 - [ ] 1-10 H25 #05 4 [ ] 1-10 H20 #14 to #3 - [ ] 1-10 V49 #05 1 [ ] 1-5 V05 #14 to #3 5 [ ] 1-10 H41 #05 3 [ ] 1-10 H20 #14 to #6 22 [ ] 1-10 H30 #05 4 [ ] 1-10 H25 #14 to #82 - [ ] 1-10 H25 #05 16 [ ] 1-15 H37 #14 to #82 - [ ] 1-10 H06 #05 1 [ ] 1-10 V40 #14 to #O2 -3 [ ] 1-10 V45 #14 7 [ ] 1-10 V12 #14 4 [ ] 1-10 H16 #2 2 [ ] 1-10 H47 #2 12 [ ] 1-10 V41 #2 11 [ ] 1-10 H27 #2 20 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 V38 #14 to #42 16 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 4 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-5 H47 #05 5 [ ] 2-5 V17 #14 to #05 - [ ] 2-6 V08 #14 4 [ ] 2-6 H34 #14 to #3 - [ ] 2-6 H39 #14 to #3 10 [ ] 2-6 H29 #14 to #82 22 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (3 RUN, 10 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 H25 #05 4 [ ] 2-12 H18 #14 to #12 - [ ] 2-8 V15 #14 10 [ ] 2-15 H15 #14 to #12 10 [ ] 2-7 H44 #2 -4 [ ] 2-23 H39 #O2 to #2 12 [ ] 2-9 V48 #14 to #24 4 [ ] 2-8 H18 #4 to #24 9 [ ] 2-13 V43 #14 to #3 5 [ ] 2-15 H37 #14 to #3 46 [ ] 2-9 H07 #14 to #3 7 [ ] 2-8 V46 #14 to #3 6 [ ] 2-10 V39 #14 to #6 2 [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (1 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-2 V04 #42 -2 [ ] 3-2 H14 #14 to #3 6 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3RD-LONG RUN (0 RUN, 10 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-8 V38 #14 to #12 - [ ] 3-11 H40 #14 to #12 - [ ] 3-12 H18 #14 to #12 6 [ ] 3-5 V44 #14 to #3 - [ ] 3-11 V49 #14 to #3 - [ ] 3-8 V37 #14 to #6 15 [ ] 3-6 H34 #14 to #81 11 [ ] 3-5 H25 #14 to #82 5 [ ] 3-5 V17 #14 to # - [ ] 3-6 H29 #14 to # SACK [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-4 V06 #14 to #3 - [ ]