Visit Dr. Phillips' Historia et Memoria blog at wp.cune.edu/matthewphillips/ Phillip's research interests include medieval monasticism, the crusades, and Luther’s theology of the cross. He teaches World Civilization I, World Civilization II, Europe Since 1914, Early and Medieval Christianity, Renaissance and Reformation, The Medieval Crusades, The History of Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union, The Modern Middle East, and Ancient Rome. His publications include:
“The Typology of the Cross and Crusade Preaching,” In Crusading in Art, Thought, and Will. Eds. Matthew H. Parker, Benjamin Halliburton, and Anne Romine. Leiden: Brill, 2018, pp. 166-185.
"Widerstand: Luther and the Freedom to Resist Unjust Authority." Issues in Christian Education 49.3 (Summer 2016): https://issues.cune.edu/
“Bearing the Shame of the Cross: Luther’s Theology of the Cross, the Imitation of Christ, and Martyrdom.” Logia 24.2 (2015): 21-26.
Translation of “Preface to A True Account of What Took Place at Stassfurt on Christmas Eve, 1534.” In Prefaces II, edited by Christopher Boyd Brown. Vol. 60 of Luther’s Works. American Edition. St Louis: Concordia, 2011, pp. 76-81.
“Crux a cruciatu dicitur: Preaching Self-Torture as Pastoral Care in Twelfth Century Religious Houses.” In Pastoral Care in the Late Middle Ages, ed. R.J. Stansbury. Brill, 2010, pp. 285-309.
“Crucified with Christ: The Imitation of the Crucified Christ and Crusading Spirituality,” In Crusades: Medieval Worlds in Conflict. An International Symposium at Saint Louis University, February 2006, Eds. Thomas F. Madden, James Naus, and Vincent Ryan. Ashgate, 2010, pp. 25-33
“The Thief’s Cross: Crusade and Penance in Alan of Lille’s Sermo de cruce domini.” Crusades 5 (2006): 143-56.
Dr. C. Matthew Phillips's Academic Programs
At Concordia University, Nebraska, we provide our students with a broad knowledge of history and equip them with the skills necessary to study and understand the past. You will leave the history program as a strong written and oral communicator and exceptional analytical thinker, which will serve you in studying the history and provide you with the tools you need to be successful in your future, no matter your choice of career.
Classical Liberal Arts
The interdisciplinary classical liberal arts minor from Concordia University, Nebraska offers a traditional and rigorous engagement with premodern languages and cultures. At Concordia, this course of study encourages the classical pursuit of what is good, true and beautiful, considered within the light of Christian revelation. Course options for the classical liberal arts minor include Latin, Greek, philosophy, history, literature and early Christian theology. A minor in classical liberal arts educates students in foundational sources, and it serves as a stepping stone for life-long learning.