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Photo of Shelbi
Graduate & Adult Student Success Advisor
Graduate Admissions
Photo of Dave
Executive VP CFO
Accounting, Finance & Operations; President's Office
Photo of Michelle
Accounts Payable Clerk
Accounting, Finance & Operations
Photo of Erica
MBA Program Director
Paul H. & Mary Ann Koehler Department of Business
Photo of Peter
Instructional Innovation Specialist
Classroom Innovation & Online Education
Photo of Andrew
Dr. Andrew Langewisch Download Andrew's Contact Card
Professor of Business Administration, Coordinator for Academic Assessment
Paul H. & Mary Ann Koehler Department of Business
Photo of Trent
Assistant Football Coach / Special Teams Coordinator
Photo of Leigh
Senior Director of Advancement Operations
Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations
Photo of Emmy
Assistant Director of Student Life
Student Affairs
Photo of Carli
Regional Ambassador
Alumni Council; Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations; Undergraduate Admissions
Photo of Mary
Graduate Adult Student Success Advisor
Graduate Admissions
Photo of Kevin
Adjunct Faculty in Music
Department of Music
Photo of Jessica
Guest Experience Coordinator
Undergraduate Admissions