
Directory Search

Photo of Chase
Assistant Director of Athletic Communications
Photo of Ben
Assistant Head Baseball Coach
Photo of Paul
Paul Scholars Program Director
Paul Scholars
Photo of Todd
Director of Strength Conditioning and Training
Photo of Jason
Assistant Track and Field Coach - pole vault
Photo of Hannah
Fine Arts Recruiter
Undergraduate Admissions
Photo of Rebecca
Enrollment Services Specialist
Undergraduate Admissions
Photo of Brad
Columbus, Neb
Board of Regents
Photo of Charles
Rev. Dr. Charles Blanco Download Charles's Contact Card
Professor of Theology, Pre-Seminary Program Director
Department of Theology, Philosophy and Biblical Languages
Photo of Mark
Director of the Institute for Religious Education
Photo of Carla
Adjunct Faculty in Music
Department of Music
Photo of Andrew
Humanities, Theology, and Latin teacher
Trinity Academy
Photo of Kenneth
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Block Download Kenneth's Contact Card
Associate Professor of Theology
Department of Theology, Philosophy and Biblical Languages
Photo of James
Professor of Art, Director Marxhausen Gallery of Art
Department of Art
Photo of Seth
Professor of Art, Digital Lab Manager
Department of Art
Photo of Megan
Administrative Assistant for College of Arts and Sciences
Dual Credit
Photo of Evan
Assistant Baseball Coach
Photo of Anna
Instructional Designer
Classroom Innovation & Online Education; Department of Education
Photo of Morgan
Assistant Director of Student Life
Student Affairs
Photo of Kim
COO, Instructor of Practice - Psychology
President's Office; Wellness Center
Photo of Vicki
Professor of Health & Human Performance
Department of Health and Human Performance