Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

The Satisfactory Academic Progress policy establishes guidelines to ensure all students complete their program of study within a maximum timeframe regardless of enrollment status (full-time, part-time, etc.). 

A Concordia alumni shaking a professor's hand during a graduation ceremony

Students receiving federal Title IV student financial assistance while attending Concordia University, Nebraska must be meeting the minimum standards of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) according to Federal Regulation: 668.7 Higher Education Act of 1965, Higher Education Amendments, 1986 and 1992. These standards affect eligibility for the following types of aid.

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Federal TEACH Grant
  • Federal Work Study
  • William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans (Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and PLUS)
  • Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG)
  • Concordia University academic, athletic, talent, and/or Departmental scholarships

The SAP policy establishes guidelines to ensure all students complete their program of study within a maximum timeframe regardless of enrollment status (full-time, part-time, etc.). The university evaluates SAP at the end of each academic term of enrollment. The evaluation includes review of qualitative (grade point average or GPA) and quantitative standards (pace) as well as maximum timeframe (for undergraduate students). The evaluation includes all periods of enrollment, even periods in which the student did not receive federal student aid funds. Students attending Concordia University, Nebraska must meet the following minimum requirements to remain eligible for receipt of federal financial aid.

Undergraduate Students

  • Qualitative: Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.0 or higher
  • Quantitative: Must earn a minimum of 67% of all credit hours attempted. Attempted credit hours include accepted transfer credits and grades of A, B, C, D, F, I, P, NR, W and repeat credit hours.
  • Maximum Timeframe: 180 credit hours (120 credits to graduate x 150%) for undergraduate students.
  • Evaluation Period: At the end of each academic term/semester - Fall, Spring and Summer.

The evaluation is consistent for all enrollments (full time, three-quarter time, part-time, etc.). The SAP assessment is conducted using cumulative credit hours earned and attempted. For example: a student completes their freshman academic year with 36 attempted credit hours, earned 24 credit hours and achieved a CGPA of 2.07. To calculate the quantitative requirement, divide 24 earned credit hours by 36 attempted credit hours. The percentage of completion is 67% and the student has a CGPA greater than 2.0. The student successfully met the minimum quantitative standard (67%) and the qualitative standard (CGPA 2.0 or higher).

Students with more than 180 attempted college credit hours are no longer eligible to receive federal financial aid due to reaching the maximum number of credit hours for payment of aid (maximum timeframe). Attempted college credit hours include credits from all colleges/universities the student has attended.

Graduate/Professional Students

  • Qualitative: Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher
  • Quantitative: Must earn a minimum of 67% of all credit hours attempted. Attempted credit hours include accepted transfer credits and grades of A, B, C, D, F, I, P, NR, W and repeat credit hours.
  • Evaluation Period: At the end of each academic term - Fall, Spring and Summer
  • Timeframe: Graduate students may receive aid for a maximum of 150% of the number of credit hours required to complete their program of study (45-77 credit hours depending on the program of study).

Federal direct unsubsidized loans are available to graduate and professional students attending Concordia University, Nebraska. Students enrolled at least half time are eligible to receive payment. Satisfactory completion of 6 credit hours (or 3 credit hours if half-time) per term and a 3.0 cumulative GPA is required to remain in good academic standing.

Failure to Maintain Minimum SAP Standards

Satisfactory academic progress is checked at the end of each academic term of enrollment. Students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress, those who do not successfully complete the minimum number of credit hours, and/or maintain the minimum CGPA, will be placed on financial aid warning for a maximum of one term to correct the deficiency. A student is eligible to receive federal financial aid during the financial aid warning period. If at the end of the term on financial aid warning the student is not yet meeting SAP, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension. A student placed on financial aid suspension is not eligible to receive federal financial aid until the minimum standards of SAP are again met. If the student has mitigating circumstances, the student may submit an appeal for consideration by the financial aid committee. If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on financial aid probation and eligible to receive aid for one term. If the student fails to meet the minimum standards after their term of financial aid probation, they will be placed back on financial aid suspension. Students will be required to pay out of pocket for expenses for terms in which they are not eligible to receive federal financial aid.

Financial Aid Reinstatement

Students on financial aid suspension will remain ineligible for federal aid until they are meeting SAP or file a successful written appeal resulting in financial aid probation. Students placed on financial aid probation will be eligible to receive aid for one term or according to the approved academic plan. If at the end of this term the student is not yet making SAP, the student will again be placed on financial aid suspension and be ineligible for financial aid. If after the term the student is making SAP, the student will automatically be placed in "good" standing and continue receiving federal aid. 


Any student wishing to appeal the suspension of his/her financial aid eligibility, based on provisions in this "Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy," may appeal by completing the financial aid suspension appeal form and submitting the appeal to the financial aid office of Concordia University. The appeal must include: (1) a letter from the student stating reasons why he/she did not achieve minimum academic requirements and why his/her aid should not be terminated to include supporting documentation; (2) what has changed in order for the student to make SAP now; (3) a supporting letter from an advisor or professor. The Financial Aid Committee will review the appeal. The student will be notified with an email of the final determination of the appeal.

If SAP appeal is approved, the school has determined that the student:

  • Will be able to make SAP standards by the end of next payment period or
  • Will be placed on an established academic plan that will ensure the student is able to meet SAP standards by a specific point in time. The academic plan can range from the student completing certain courses in a certain timeframe or a mathematical calculation specifying the student’s new pace. The decision is up to the SAP committee.

Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Form

How GPA and pace of completion are affected


After the drop/add period, a student may withdraw from a class any time up to the day designated as the last day to withdraw for each term. If approved by the Registrar, a “W” will be recorded on the student’s official record. A grade of ‘W’ will not count in the student’s GPA however it will count in the number of hours attempted. Any tuition refund for a withdrawal will follow the appropriate refund schedule. 


After the term and grades have been posted, any student with an “I” for incomplete on their transcript will count in the number of hours attempted and unearned hours at the time SAP evaluations are taking place. The incomplete is a valid grade at the time satisfactory academic progress is reviewed. Any final grade made will be factored into the student’s SAP calculations at the end of the next term.

Repeated Course Work

A student may elect to repeat any course. The highest grade will be used in determining GPA. All grades will be included on the transcript. Repeated classes will count towards total “attempted” credit when calculating earned percentage. Only one repeated course can be used as “earned” credit when calculating earned percentage. Federal aid is available for payment of a repeated course that has been previously passed only once.

Transfer of Credits From Other Schools

Must count transfer hours accepted toward completion of student’s program as both hours attempted and hours completed.

Remedial Credits

Concordia University, Nebraska offers a limited number of remedial coursework. These credits will be included in SAP assessment.

Program Change

When a student changes majors, the previously taken credits that are applicable to the new major are used to measure the student’s maximum timeframe. Students who have reached the maximum timeframe will need to appeal and be placed on a specific new maximum timeframe.

Re-establishing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Traditional undergraduate students who have been suspended from financial aid eligibility may use summer session enrollment to correct the deficiencies which caused their suspension. Transfer credit hours, if earned while the student is a Concordia student and if accepted by the Concordia University registrar, may also be counted toward removal of the deficiency for the number of successfully completed hours, but do not change Concordia's CGPA other than the effect of removing a failing grade from the previous calculation. Your official CGPA is derived from courses taken at Concordia University. However, Concordia must include all attempted hours when calculating the maximum time frame for degree completion for SAP.

Eligibility for federal and institutional aid will be reinstated when a student’s academic transcript is updated and all SAP requirements have been met. All courses taken at Concordia University while a student is under financial suspension shall be at the student’s own expense.