Academic Advising

Through academic advising, students work together with their advisor to craft unique, individual academic plans based upon each student's strengths, areas to improve and goals.

A Professor advising students

We view the advising relationship as an on-going conversation that goes beyond course selection and attempts to assist you as you explore a liberal arts curriculum, college life and what it means to be a servant leader in the church and world.

Students entering Concordia are assigned to either a first-year coordinator or, if you are a transfer student, to an academic advisor based on your program.

The Advising Process at Concordia

Advisor Assignments

After students are admitted and confirmed as incoming students, they are assigned to either a freshman coordinator or, if they are a transfer student, an academic advisor. Transfer students will be assigned a faculty advisor within the department of their indicated major. Freshman students will begin with their assigned freshman coordinator and then select a faculty advisor in their program area before the end of their first year.

  • The advisor will develop a schedule of courses dependent upon the students intended major and possible transfer courses.
  • The advisor will contact the student concerning the schedule and register the student for the upcoming semester.

Advising and Registration

Students are urged to make an appointment with their advisor several weeks prior to their registration dates as published in the academic calendar. Students receive their alternate pin ("Alt PIN") numbers from their academic advisors and register on Banner self-service. The purpose of this process is to insure that all students meet with their advisor at least once a semester. Other notes on the registration process:

  • Students can test their alternate pin numbers prior to registration in Banner self-service.
  • Students should review course prerequisites to ensure that they have met all the requirements.
  • Students should check Banner self-service to confirm that they do not have a hold that would restrict them from registering.

Drops and Adds After Registration

Dropping and adding classes can be completed by the student on Banner Self-serve through census date (the first week of classes each semester).

Students can withdraw from a course by completing a withdrawal form available in the registrar's office. Advisor and instructor signature are required. The withdrawal deadline is published in the academic calendar.

Declaring a Major or Changing a Major

Students complete a declaration of major form with the assistance of their advisor (advisor signature required). Changing an advisor may be necessary when declaring or changing majors. The current advisor will assist in this process.

Working with Other Advising Resources Within the University

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) & ADA

The Academic Resources Center services include tutoring, group study sessions for test reviews and weekly study meetings, individualized learning sessions with ARC staff to learn strategies for time management, study skills, note-taking, and test-taking.

Visit the Academic Resource Center

Concordia also provides reasonable accommodations for specialized services to students with documented learning needs.

Career Services

The career services office at Concordia will work closely with the student to match interests and aspirations to professional job opportunities. Career services can assist in conducting job searches, secure internships and practicum, prepare cover letters and resumes, and train the student to interview.

Synodical Placement

LCMS church work students will work with the synodical placement office toward their first call.

Degree Evaluations

Degree evaluations are available on Banner self-service. Students are encouraged to run their evaluation at least once a semester and prior to meeting with their advisor.

Applying for Graduation

Students need to apply for graduation by the published deadline. Applications will be sent to potential graduates by campus mail or are available in the registrar's office. The registrar's office will contact applied graduates of their status toward graduation after the application is filed.