The Academic Resource Center (ARC) at Concordia University, Nebraska provides on-campus academic assistance for all Concordia students. We are committed to helping students develop their skills in learning, academic success and personal growth in a friendly, supportive environment. All students are invited to visit the ARC for one-on-one help with:
- Planning and scheduling
- Study skills and test preparation
- Effective notetaking
- Organization
- Problem-solving
- Time management
- Setting goals
Staff are generally available to assist students Monday-Friday from 8:00-5:00.
Resources for Concordia Students
Concordia has partnered with Pear Deck Tutor to provide free tutoring and writing support to all undergraduate and graduate students. Pear Deck Tutor provides access to one-on-one, live tutoring and writing support anytime, anywhere.
Features include:
- 24/7 on-demand tutoring
- Highly qualified tutors
- Interactive lesson space
- Asynchronous Writing Lab
- Help in any subject
Information about Pear Deck Tutor can be found in your courses by clicking the "Tutoring" link in your Blackboard course navigation.
Additionally, Concordia is excited to share that ReadSpeaker is available in all your courses on Blackboard! This tool converts written text into natural-sounding speech, making it easier to access and understand your course materials. Perfect for students with reading difficulties, visual impairments, or those who prefer listening to content. Customize the voice, speed, and highlights to suit your needs. Tutorials are available in the "Support" section of your course, and help is available via helpdesk.cune.edu. We are pleased to provide this tool to our students for free and encourage you to use it to help you be successful.
Snapshot Of Academic Performance (SOAP)
Concordia faculty complete a Snapshot of Academic Performance (SOAP) report 3 times per semester in order to reach out to students regarding academic issues. Students are evaluated in the following areas for each class:
- Low academic performance (below average grade)
- Poor class participation
- Low exam performance
- Intermittent attendance or non-attendance
- Missing work
- Weak writing skills
Results are shared with the ARC, advisors and coaches. Students reported with concerns in any class receive an email from the ARC inviting them in for assistance and problem-solving. Academic coaching and support are provided as well as referrals to tutoring and other campus resources as appropriate. We encourage students, advisors, faculty and coaches to connect and problem-solve as needed.
Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
At Concordia, we are guided in all of our work by the values of academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, responsibility and respect. As a student, you are required to demonstrate these values in all of the work you do. Participating in a behavior that violates academic integrity (e.g., plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, multiple submissions, cheating on examinations or fabricating information) may subject you to disciplinary action including receiving a failing grade on an assignment or examination, receiving a failing grade for the course and/or being suspended from the university.
Avoiding Plagiarism (from Purdue OWL)
How to Avoid Plagiarism (from Grammarly)
Follow Us on Social!
@CUNEAcademicResourceCenter on Facebook

Matt Myers
ESL Coordinator, Tutoring & Writing Center Coordinator
402-643-7365 Matt.Myers@cune.edu Link Library 137

Sue Showers
Academic Resource & Disability Support Services Coordinator, Director of Master of Education in Special Education
402-643-7187 suzanne.showers@cune.edu Link Library 143Helpful Links and Resources
Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) offers global support through online reference materials and services for creating citations, cover letters, major-specific writing help, and general writing advice.
APA Formatting and Style Guide (Purdue OWL)
MLA Formatting and Style Guide (Purdue OWL)
Time Management
Time Management with Tomato Timers
Study Tips
Study and Planning Tools and Advice for College Students
Research-proven Study Strategies
Do your favorite study strategies actually work?
6 Strategies for Effective Learning
Taking Notes
Other Helpful Links
Focus Mate is for people who struggle with motivation to get work done. It is virtual coworking to help you stay focused and be productive.
Crash Course – free high quality educational videos. Over 45 courses are available on a wide variety of subjects, including organic chemistry, literature, world history, biology, philosophy, theater, ecology, and many more!
Daniel Willingham You Tube channel or Daniel Willingham Tik Tok Page -- Learn how your mind works and how to use scientifically-proven study habits
Free and Low-Cost Assistive Technology

Disability Support Services
Concordia University, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, does not discriminate in the recruitment, admission, or treatment of students. Students with documented disabilities are legally entitled to request modifications, accommodations, or auxiliary aids that will enable them to participate in and benefit from all postsecondary programs and activities.