Courses and Registration

A student working on her laptop at a picnic table

As per university policy, students are the stewards of their education and schedules. Students are expected to know and complete all their general education, major, minor, and program requirements as spelled out in the academic handbook. They should also be familiar with and adhere to dates and deadlines for registration, drop/add, course withdrawal, and applying for graduation. Students should work closely with their advisors throughout their time on campus to ensure that they fulfill all their requirements for graduation. 

View the Academic Calendar

Questions and requests for information can also be directed to the Office of the Registrar at

Fall 2024 Add/Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines

  • The last day to add or drop a full-semester or first-quarter course for the fall semester is Monday, September 2, 2024.
  • The deadline to withdraw from a first-quarter course is Tuesday, October 1, 2024. (First-quarter courses only meet during the first half of the fall semester.)
  • The deadline to withdraw from a second-quarter course is Wednesday, November 13, 2024. (Second-quarter courses only meet during the second half of the fall semester.)
  • The deadline to withdraw from a full-semester course is Wednesday, November 13, 2024.

Withdrawal forms can be found on the student portal under the Academic Life tab. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all parties sign the withdrawal form.

Spring 2025 Registration

The Spring registration schedule is as follows:

  • Seniors and Post-Baccalaureates: begin Monday, November 11, 2024
  • Juniors: begin Wednesday, November 13, 2024
  • Sophomores: begin Monday, November 18, 2024
  • Freshmen: begin Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Registration opens at 6:00 a.m. on the above dates and will remain open until the end of free add/drop period on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.

Spring 2025 Add/Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines

  • The last day to add or drop a full-semester or first-quarter course for the spring semester is Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
  • The deadline to withdraw from a first-quarter course is Tuesday, February 8, 2025. (First-quarter courses only meet during the first half of the spring semester.)
  • The deadline to add or drop a second-quarter course is Wednesday, March 19, 2024. (Second-quarter courses only meet during the second half of the spring semester).
  • The deadline to withdraw from a full-semester or second-quarter course is Wednesday, April 9, 2025.

Withdrawal forms can be found on the student portal under the Academic Life tab. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure all parties sign the withdrawal form.

Course Substitutions

Substitutions require the use of the course substitution/waiver form which must be initiated by the student’s advisor. 

Substitution forms require:

  1. The consent of the student’s advisor
  2. Approval by the chair of the department (If major, minor, or program) OR approval by the General Education Coordinator (if course is in General Education).

Course Waivers

Waivers will only be given in extenuating circumstances and only if a course substitution is impractical. Waivers require the use of the course substitution/waiver form which must be initiated by the student’s advisor.

Waiver forms require:

  1. The consent of the student’s advisor
  2. Approval by the chair of the department (If major, minor, or program) OR approval by the General Education Coordinator (if course is in General Education).

Course Overloads

Students who wish to take more than 18 hours in a semester must initiate an overload of credit request form, which can be found on the student portal under the Academic Life tab. Describe the reason or rationale for the request. Once this portion has been completed and signed by the student, the form will then be routed to your advisor.

After receiving the advisor’s signature, the form will be routed to the registrar’s office. The registrar will verify your cumulative GPA and successful hours and submit it to the provost for a decision. The registrar’s office will notify you of the outcome.

Special Course Options

UNL-Concordia Nebraska Specially Arranged Courses

Students in Business-Agricultural, Geography, Spanish or R.O.T.C. programs may be eligible for enrollment in courses at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln via an arrangement between the universities.

UNL-Concordia Nebraska Guidelines

Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information. 

Concordia University System Exchange Program

Students may study for a semester at any one of Concordia Seward’s sister institutions: Ann Arbor, Chicago, Mequon, Austin, Irvine and St. Paul. Acceptance is determined by the host institution and not guaranteed. Learn more about the Concordia University System Exchange Program

Contact the Registrar's office for more information or to submit an application

CUS Visiting Student Application


The credit-by-examination program offers qualified students an opportunity to earn university credit by successfully completing examinations in areas recommended by the departments and approved by the Provost.

Students receiving the equivalent of an A or B on the examinations will be given credit for the course upon full payment of the total testing and/or recording fees involved. (Course fees are available in the academic catalog or from Student Financial Services.) Criteria to determine these letter grades will be established by each department for each examination. Departments may give students the option to have either the achieved grade of A or B or a grade of P (Pass) entered on his/her official transcript.

Please contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.