Graduation Process

Students taking a graduation photo with diplomas in hand

Applying for Graduation

For Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students on the Seward campus who plan to graduate in the 2024-25 academic year must complete an application for graduation by the published deadline. This allows for degree audits to be completed in a timely manner. 

To apply, please select “Apply to Graduate” on the student Portal under the Academic Life Tab > Student > Student Records > Apply to Graduate (9x).


  • If you are graduating in December 2024 the deadline to apply is September 20, 2024.
  • If you are graduating in May or August 2025, you can begin applying on November 11, 2024. The deadline to apply is January 24, 2025.

For Graduate Students

Graduate students who plan to graduate in the 2024-25 academic year must complete an application for graduation by the published deadline. This allows for degree audits to be completed in a timely manner.

Please note the following:

If you are completing an endorsement only OR a certificate only, the application for this can be found here:

Application for Completed Certificate or Educational Endorsement

If you are completing a master’s degree, please select “Apply to Graduate” on the student Portal under the Academic Life Tab > Student > Student Records > Apply to Graduate (9x).


  • If you are graduating in October 2024 the deadline to apply is October 6.
  • If you are graduating in December 2024 the deadline to apply is December 1.
  • If you are graduating in the Spring or Summer terms of 2025, the application will become available starting January 6, 2025.

For questions regarding your progress toward graduation, contact your graduate advisor and the Graduate Registrar.


Those students receiving a bachelor’s or master’s degree are invited to participate in the commencement ceremony at the Walz Arena on the Seward campus at 10 a.m. on May 10, 2025. More information will be available on the Commencement page.

Participation in Spring Commencement Ceremonies

Commencement ceremonies are held in May of each year. All graduates receiving a bachelor’s or master’s degree are invited to attend. Please see the main commencement page for details related to these activities.

August and December graduates may participate in the subsequent spring commencement. However, those who plan to take their final course(s), up to 6 hours, during a summer term may opt to participate in the spring commencement ceremony, prior to completing all their coursework. Please review the information below carefully if this applies to you.

Commencement Information for Early Participants

Undergraduates may participate in commencement activities if you...

  1. are within 6 hours of completing your degree and will complete your degree by the end of August 2025 OR are in the DCE program and only have DCE internship remaining AND
  2. have applied for graduation to the Registrar's Office.

Graduate students may participate in commencement exercises if you...

  1. have met all the academic requirements of your program, OR
  2. are currently registered for the summer term immediately following May commencement for the final class required in their program, and have six or fewer credit hours to complete in your program and
  3. have applied to graduate to the Registrar’s Office.

Contact the Registrar's Office at or if you have any questions.