Career Support
Concordia Nebraska's career services and placement office helps conduct job searches, secure internships, prepare cover letters and resumes, and, for LCMS church worker students, facilitates placement in churches and schools. Our staff can help you make academic and career decisions, gain experience and pursue employment or further education so you can discover and live out your vocations.

Career Services
Concordia offers services, resources and programs that support the integration of academic accomplishments, career interests and personal strengths to advance your career goals.

Synodical Placement
Concordia's synodical placement office helps church workers find employment around the world in schools or other ministries of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Apply for placement in Christian Educational Leadership or as a Director of Parish Music.

Teacher Candidates
When you're ready to become a professional educator, Concordia can help walk you through the steps to help you find a place as a teacher in your own classroom.