Career Services

Concordia's Career Services Office is your first stop for all things career-related. Here, you can find career counseling, internship opportunities and graduate school information using quality assessment tools and resources to help you discover and live out your vocations.

Students talking with a company representative at the career fair in Cattle Conference Room


Concordia uses Handshake to help students find jobs and meet future employers. Log in to create a profile, get personalized job recommendations and apply for jobs and internships.

Join Handshake

Internships and Practicums

Employers and graduate schools want to see that you can apply the knowledge you’ve acquired in the classroom to real-world situations. Through your Handshake account, Concordia can help you find an internship to set you up for career success.

Gain Experience

Resumes and Job Interviews

Careful preparation when applying for a job can help you set yourself apart from other candidates and make a favorable impression on prospective employers.

Be Prepared

Graduate Studies

Applying to graduate or professional school can be an exciting venture - an opportunity to focus your academic studies on a particular interest, meet other people with similar goals and ideas, and develop the skills and credentials needed for the field you want to pursue in the future.

Further Studies

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 16 September '25 5:45pm - 7:30pm
Career Fair
Cattle Conference Room
Tuesday 04 November '25 6:30pm
Mock Interviews
Cattle Conference Room
Friday 06 February '26 11:00am - 1:30pm
Career Fair
Cattle Conference Room
Tuesday 24 March '26 6:30pm
Mock Interviews
Cattle Conference Room

Set up an appointment with Career Services

Photo of Daisha

Daisha Sorensen

Director of Student Success

Academic Student Services
Janzow Campus Center 204

Schedule a meeting with Daisha