Health & Wellness

As a current student at Concordia, you have access to multiple services, venues and people designed to ensure your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing are taken care of.

Health Center

The health center is dedicated to providing basic, high quality, holistic health care that is easily accessible and responsive to your health needs.

Health center services

a counselor talking to a student at concordia

Mental Health Care

Your college experience can be exciting, but it can also be a stressful time in your life. If you're feeling overwhelmed, or need someone to talk to, our mental health counselor is there for you in a caring Christian environment.

Mental health resources

Spiritual Guidance

You’ll find a distinctive community of believers at Concordia, along with numerous worship services, Bible studies and fellowship events that will help you deepen your relationship with Christ. Our campus pastor is also available to provide faith guidance and counseling.

Spiritual guidance 

Upcoming Events

Wednesday 11 September '24 6:30pm
Wellness Workshop
Wednesday 23 October '24 6:30pm
Wellness Workshop
Wednesday 13 November '24 6:30pm
Wellness Workshop

Campus Security and Safety

The safety of our students, faculty and staff is our responsibility and number one priority. Here are security and safety resources for you to familiarize yourself with in case of an emergency.



Disability Support Services

Concordia University, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, does not discriminate in the recruitment, admission, or treatment of students. Students with documented disabilities are legally entitled to request modifications, accommodations, or auxiliary aids that will enable them to participate in and benefit from all postsecondary programs and activities.

Concordia's disability support services