Transferring Credits and Credit by Exam

At Concordia, we'll work with you to transfer your hard-earned credits, whether they come from taking advanced placement or dual credit classes or from equivalency exams. Get the most out of the credit you've already earned so you can attain your degree as quickly as possible.

A student writing notes in a classroom

Transferring Credits to Concordia

Important information to know:

  • Credits earned at other regionally accredited institutions will be considered for transfer into Concordia University. Not all credits transferred will necessarily reduce course work needed to meet program requirements. Only Concordia University, Nebraska course work will be used to determine cumulative grade-point averages.
  • No more than 70 hours of credits from two-year colleges may be applied toward the completion of a four-year program of study.
  • Students seeking a bachelor's degree must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residence, at least 15 of which must be in their major.
  • Only courses with a grade of C- or above will be accepted for transfer credit
  • College Level Advanced Placement (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and Military Credits are reviewed and considered for equivalent placement at Concordia.

Contact the Registrar for questions about transferring credits.

AP Courses

High school students who receive scores of three, four or five on Advanced Placement tests may receive college credit and advanced placement. Exceptions: Concordia requires scores of four or five on English and a score of five on music. 

Music Theory

The AP Music Theory has Aural Skills sub scores and Written Theory sub scores. The only scores for AP Music tests that are accepted are scores of five on the sub scores. A score of five on the Aural sub score will equal credit for Mu 102 Aural Skills I and Mu 104 Aural Skills II. A score of five on the Non Aural sub score will equal credit for Mu 103 Music Theory I and Mu 105 Music Theory II.

A student will also need to pass our keyboard competency exam and demonstrate their computer music notation ability (work with Finale) before they are admitted into second year theory. A student could receive credit for either aural skills and/or written theory, each one for one or two semesters of credit depending on their AP score.

AP Test Concordia Equivalent Credits
Art History ART 271 Art History I 3
Biology (with a score of 3 or 4) BIO 111 General Biology I 4
Biology (with a score of 5) BIO 111 General Biology I and BIO 112 General Biology II 8
Chemistry (with a score of 3 or 4) CHEM 115 General Chemistry 4
Chemistry (with a score of 5) CHEM 115 General Chemistry and CHEM 116 General Inorganic 8
Chinese Language and Culture Free elective, foreign language or global multicultural 3
Computer Science Principles CS 131 Computer Programming I 3
Computer Science A CS 131 Computer Programming I 3
Macroeconomics ECON 101 Prin. of Macroeconomics 3
Microeconomics ECON 102 Prin. of Microeconomics 3
English Language & Comp ENG 102 Experiences in Writing 3
English Literature & Comp ENG 201 Intro to Literature 3
Environmental Science ESCI/GEOG/SCI 315 Environmental Sci. 3
French Language and Culture Free elective, foreign language or global multicultural 3
German Language and Culture Free elective, foreign language or global multicultural 3
Human Geography GEOG 202 World Regional Geography 3
Italian Language and Culture Free elective, foreign language or global multicultural 3
Japanese Language and Culture Free elective, foreign language or global multicultural 3
United States History HIST 115 United States History 3
European History HIST 132 World Civilization II 3
AP Test Concordia Equivalent Credits
World History HIST 131 World Civilization and HIST 132 World Civilization II 6
Calculus AB MATH 184 Calculus I 4
Calculus BC MATH 184 Calculus I and MATH 186 Calculus II 8
Precalculus MATH 151 Precalculus 3
Statistics MATH 122 Intro to Statistics 3
Physics 1: Algebra-Based (with a score of 3 or higher) PHYS 111 General Physics I 4
Physics 2: Algebra-Based (with a score of 3 of higher) PHYS 112 General Physics II 4
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (with a score of 3) PHYS 112 General Physics II 4
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (with a score of 4 or 5) PHYS 112 General Physics II and PHYS 212 Gen. Physics II Calculus Topics 5
Physics C: Mechanics (with a score of 3) PHYS 111 General Physics I 4
Physics C: Mechanics (with a score of 4 or 5) PHYS 111 General Physics I and PHYS 211 Gen. Physics I Calculus Topics 5
U.S. Government and Politics PS 111 American Government 3
Comparative Government and Politics Political Science general education 3
Psychology PSY 101 Intro to Psychology 3
Spanish Language and Culture (with a score of 4 or 5 and permission) SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I and SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II 6
Spanish Literature and Culture (with a score of 4 or 5 and permission) SPAN 341 Intro to Hispanic Literature 3


Concordia Nebraska recognizes the College Board's College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) credits, which allows students to take an exam to demonstrate their mastery of introductory college-level material and earn college credit.

Transfer credit is granted with a score of 50 or above (with the exception of Spanish). Please contact the Registrar’s Office for questions on any CLEP test not listed.

CLEP Test Concordia Course Equivalent
American Government PS 111 American Government
Biology Biology General Ed Credit
College Algebra MATH 132 Intermediate Algebra
Calculus MATH 184 Calculus I
College Composition Modular ENG 102 Experiences in Writing
College Composition ENG 102 plus 3 elective credits
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature ENG 201 Introduction to Literature
History of the United States II HIST 115 American Civilization
CLEP Test Concordia Course Equivalent
Human Growth and Development PSY 221 Lifespan Development
Introductory Psychology PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
Introductory Sociology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics
Spanish (with a score of 66 or higher) SPAN 201 or 202 Intermediate Spanish

International Baccalaureate

Concordia University recognizes the academic rigor of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and awards transfer credit to incoming students who have completed individual IB courses or the full IB Diploma. Concordia considers both Standard and High Level scores for credit on a course-by-course basis and also guarantees at least 24 but not more than 32 hours of credit to students who complete the IB Diploma program.

The list of specific course substitutions may be used as a guide to estimate the number and type of credits awarded for individual courses; however, the university may periodically alter this list as either the IB courses or the university’s curriculum undergoes modification.

Your admission counselor will consult with the registrar to determine which courses in the Concordia University catalog your International Baccalaureate (IB) credits will cover when you apply for admission. Please call the Office of Admission at 800-535-5494 if you have questions.

Subject Area Exam Type Score Required Concordia Equivalent Credits
Anthropology SL 5-7 GE Soc Sci 3
Anthropology HL 5-7 GE Soc Sci 6
Biology SL 5-7 BIO 111 4
Biology HL 5-7 BIO 111 & BIO 2xx 8
Chemistry HL 5-7 CHEM 115 & 116 8
Computer Science     TBD  
Czech SL 5-7 Elect 3
Czech  HL 5-7 Elect x 2 6
Design Technology     TBD  
Economics SL/HL 4-7 GE Soc Sci 5
English SL 5-7 ENG 102 3
English HL 5-7 ENG 102 & 201 6
Environmental Science SL/HL Elect 3
Environmental Science SL/HL 6-7 Elect x 2 6
Film     TBD  
French SL 5-7 Elect 3
French HL 5-7 Elect x 2 6
Geography SL 5-7 GEOG 101 3
Geography  HL 5-7 GEOG 101 & GEOG elect 6
German SL 5-7 Elect 3
German HL 5-7 Elect x 2 6
History SL 5-7  HIST 131 3
History HL 5-7 HIST 115 and 131 or 132


Info Tech in Global Society     TBD  
Subject Area Exam Type Score Required Concordia Equivalent Credits
Islamic History SL  5-7 Hist elect 3
Islamic History HL 5-7 Hist elect x 2 6
Latin SL 5-7 LAT 102 3
Latin HL 5-7 LAT 102 & Lat elect 6
Management SL/HL 5-7 Elect 3
Math Studies/Methods SL 5-7 TBD  
Mathematics HL 5-7 MATH 186  4
Further Mathematics     TBD  
Music SL 4-7 TBD  
Music HL 13-20 MU 100 3
Philosophy SL 5-7 GE Soc Sci 3
Philosophy HL  5-7 GE Soc Sci & elect 6
Physics SL 5-7 PHYS 109 4
Physics HL 5-7 PHYS 109 & Phys elect 7
Psychology SL 5-7 PSY 101 3
Psychology  HL 5-7 PSY 101 & Psy elect 6
Russian SL 5-7 Elect 3
Russian HL 5-7 Elect x 2 6
Spanish SL 5-7 SPAN 201 3
Spanish HL 5-7 SPAN 201 & 202 6
Theatre Arts SL/HL 5-7 CTA 151 3
Theory of Knowledge   Pass GS 101 2
Visual Arts SL/HL 5-7 TBD