Concordia celebrates 125th anniversary with worship service
The 67th Synodical Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) declared Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019 as “Concordia University, Nebraska Sunday,” throughout the LCMS, inviting congregations to encourage and facilitate prayers, thanksgiving, offerings, gifts and student referrals in celebration of the Lord’s abundant blessing to the Church through Concordia.
To celebrate Concordia’s 125th anniversary, the university is hosting a worship service Nov. 17 at 3 p.m. in Weller Chapel on campus. The public is invited to join Concordia’s students, faculty and staff for this celebration service.
Rev. Dr. Charles Blanco will preside over the service, with Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich preaching and musical celebration led by the University Chamber Choir, directed by Dr. Kurt von Kampen.