Concordia Students Volunteer at Project Connect Lincoln

On Tuesday, September 26th, Dr. Kathy Miller’s Cultural Anthropology class along with Dr. Jen Janousek’s Introduction to Public Health Class assisted over 300 guests at Project Connect Lincoln.
Project Connect is a one day, one stop event where individuals and families struggling with homelessness can get access to many different types of services. The event is set up in Lincoln’s Pinnacle Bank Arena. Businesses volunteer their time to provide services that can range from things like substance use treatment, legal assistance, and vaccines to hair care, and pet care. As volunteers, Concordia University, Nebraska students were paired with those struggling with homelessness to help them navigate the booths and find the resources they were most in need of.
Even though the event is essential for those who are homeless, Dr. Jen Janousek and Dr. Kathy Miller find it similarly important for college students to witness. Dr. Janousek took her Introduction to Public Health class and found it important for her students to more deeply understand homelessness. Janousek recognizes that, “Homelessness and housing instability are matters of public health. There is a significant relationship between an individual’s housing and health status. Those that are homeless are more likely to have chronic physical and mental health conditions. Not only do I want students to learn about this, but also about all the services and organizations available to those in need.”
Dr. Miller has been taking students to this event since 2016. The purpose of this event in her mind is not only to understand homelessness on a large scale, but also to help students put a face to an issue that we can sometimes have a difficult time picturing. Dr. Miller states that the process, “Really teaches students a lot when they have to walk alongside people who are actually experiencing homelessness, without necessarily being an expert.”
Abby Van Velson, a senior who went on the trip, experienced this firsthand “I had an opportunity to help a woman who recently became homeless for the first time due to financial hardship. She told me that as long as she completes one thing each day, things will be okay. Even though we just spent a little bit of time together, I appreciated the lesson I learned from her that there can be joy and peace even in adversity.”
The classes also had the opportunity to take two carloads of donated supplies to the event, such as clothes, hats, hygiene items, and snacks. Not only did this provide resources for those who were homeless, it also gave another opportunity for students to connect with people. Dr.Miller states, “We had our own tables and got to assist people in finding coats and clothing. It was a great way to connect with others. When I left, there were less than a dozen items left. I received many thanks from the guests receiving help and from the organizers of the Homeless Coalition that sponsored the event. The donations really made a difference.”
Interested in pursuing a health and wellness related degree at Concordia? Learn more here.
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