Dr. Keith Kerschen has worked at Concordia since 2018, where he serves as an Associate Professor of Education and the Director of Field Experiences. He teaches the following courses in the education department: Introduction to Education, Instruction and Assessment for Middle/Secondary Students, and Secondary Mathematics Methods. He also serves as the edTPA director and assists with CAEP data collection and analysis.
Dr. Kerschen earned a B.S. in Secondary Education from Kansas State University and an M.A. in Education from Baker University. In 2018, Dr. Kerschen earned his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Teaching with a cognate in Mathematics Education from Baylor University. Prior to his time at Baylor, Dr. Kerschen was a high school mathematics teacher and junior high volleyball coach in Kansas.
Dr. Kerschen is a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA). He enjoys collaborating on multiple research projects related to mathematics education, which has led to several publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Recent Publications:
Kerschen, K. (2017). Review of Mathematical mindsets: Unleashing students’ potential through creative math, inspiring messages and innovative teaching, by Jo Boaler. AMTE-TX Link Online Journal.
Kerschen, K.,Cooper, S., Shelton, R., & Scott, L. (2018). The impact of a summer mathematics academy on rising kindergartners’ understanding of early number concepts. Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
Wilkerson, T., Kerschen, K., & Shelton, R. (2018). PreService teachers’ critical connections to effective teaching practices: An instructional approach using vignettes. Action in Teacher Education.
Wilkerson, T., Eddy, C., Quebec-Fuentes, S., Sorto, A., Gupta, D., Ward, L., Jasper, W., Parker, Y., Mallam, W., Cooper, S., & Kerschen, K. (2018). Development and validation of the algebra teachers’ self-efficacy instrument: Assessment of algebra teachers’ knowledge and personal teaching efficacy. School Science Mathematics Journal.
Shelton, R., Kerschen, K., & Cooper, S. (2020). The impact of a varied field experience on preservice teachers: A summer math academy for early learners. The Teacher Educator.
Shelton, R., Kerschen, K.,& Wilkerson, T. (In press). Investigating teachers’ understanding of Mathematical Practices and Mathematical Teaching Practices using a vignette activity sequence in a professional development setting. School-University Partnerships.
Shelton, R., Kerschen, K., & Wilkerson, T. (In press). The examination of a vignette activity sequence in a secondary mathematics methods course. School Science and Mathematics Journal.
Dr. Keith Kerschen's Academic Programs
Secondary Education
With a degree in secondary education from Concordia University, Nebraska, you will be equipped to teach grades 7-12, encouraging intellectual and emotional growth at a critical time in the lives of your students. You’ll engage in rich coursework, collaborate with faculty and gain invaluable experience first shadowing a professional teacher and then teaching in your own high school classroom.