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Photo of Vicki
Professor of Education, ESL, TESOL, and Modern Language Education Program Director
Department of Education; Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Global Opportunities Center 102
Photo of Joel
Professor of Geography, Chair of Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Languages
Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Jesse Hall 230
Photo of Jamie
Associate Professor of History
Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Jesse Hall 226
Photo of John
Professor of History
Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Jesse Hall 219
Photo of Matt
ESL Coordinator, Tutoring & Writing Center Coordinator
Academic Resource Center; Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Link Library 137
Photo of Matthew
Dr. C. Matthew Phillips Download Matthew's Contact Card
Professor of History
Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Jesse Hall 217
Photo of Amy
Assistant Professor of Spanish
Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Jesse Hall 204