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Photo of Carlin
Career Services Graduate Assistant
Academic Student Services
Photo of Brian
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Chair of the Mathematics & Computer Science Department
Paul H. & Mary Ann Koehler Department of Business; Department of Computer Science and Mathematics
Photo of Vicki
Professor of Education, TESOL Program Director
Department of Education; Department of History, Geography, Intercultural Studies and Modern Foreign Language
Photo of Frank
Assistant Director of Student Services
Academic Student Services
Photo of Art
Assistant Football Coach
Photo of Annette
Professor of Education, Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Inclusive B-3rd and Early Childhood Special Education Program Director
Department of Education
Photo of Crissy
University Events Manager
Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations
Photo of Lisa
Professor of English, Chair of the English, Communication and Theatre Arts Department
Department of English, Communication and Theatre Arts
Photo of Emilie
Head Competitive Cheer Coach / Athletic Department Ticket Coordinator
Photo of Timothy
Adjunct Faculty in Music
Department of Music
Photo of Randy
HHP Instructor, Head Athletic Trainer
Athletics; Department of Health and Human Performance
Photo of Joel
Graduate Assistant Men's Basketball Coach
Photo of Benjamin
Hamel, Ill.
Board of Regents
Photo of Krista
Lincoln, Neb
Board of Regents
Photo of Stuart
Omaha, Neb
Board of Regents
Photo of Carlene
Certification Officer, Administrative Assistant Department of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Department of Education; Department of Health and Human Performance
Photo of Joshua
Interlibrary Loan and Periodicals Coordinator
Photo of Vince
Assistant Football Coach
Photo of Curt
Professor of Business Administration
Paul H. & Mary Ann Koehler Department of Business
Photo of Ellen
Sower Administrator
Department of English, Communication and Theatre Arts
Photo of Tobin
Assistant Professor of Journalism and Political Science
Department of English, Communication and Theatre Arts
Photo of Corina
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Photo of Matt
Head Cross Country and Track & Field Coach