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Photo of Hannah
Admissions Counselor
Undergraduate Admissions
Photo of Eric
Alumni Council
Photo of Ryan
Associate Head Men's Basketball Coach
Photo of Dylan C.
Plum Creek Festival Coordinator
Plum Creek Literacy Festival
Photo of Doug
Team Physician
Athletics; Board of Regents
Photo of Daniel
Professor Emeritus
Department of English, Communication and Theatre Arts
Photo of Maria
Assistant Softball Coach
Photo of Hans
Rev. Dr. Hans Trinklein Download Hans's Contact Card
Assistant Professor of Business
Paul H. & Mary Ann Koehler Department of Business
Photo of Jessica
Accounts Receivable and Billing Manager
Student Financial Services
Photo of Annika
Art teacher
Trinity Academy
Photo of Erik
Holyoke, Colo.
Board of Regents
Photo of Cristina
Dr. Cristina Vlad Hayes Download Cristina's Contact Card
Adjunct Faculty in Music
Department of Music
Photo of Kurt
Dr. Kurt von Kampen Download Kurt's Contact Card
Professor of Music, Chair of the Music Department
Department of Music
Photo of Thaddeus
Chair Human & Social Sciences
Department of Human and Social Sciences
Photo of Andrea
Associate Professor of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Natural Sciences
Photo of Hannah
Undergraduate Registrar Support Specialist
Photo of Josh
Head Wrestling Coach
Photo of Kathleen
Program Director of Master's of Education Literacy/Graduate Accreditation and Assessment Coordinator
Department of Education