• Head coach Daneen Kovar’s dance and cheer squads began their 2014-15 seasons on Wednesday night with competitions versus Doane that took place at halftime of the women’s and men’s basketball games inside Walz Arena.

  • The Concordia University dance team placed sixth with a score of 82.93 at the 2014 NAIA Competitive Cheer and Dance National Invitational. Six dance and 12 cheer squads competed at the fourth annual event hosted in Oklahoma City by Oklahoma City University on Friday and Saturday.

  • In its most significant event of the season to date, the Concordia University dance team placed fourth out of six at the regional dance and cheer competition hosted by Grand View University on Saturday.

  • In another big step for the NAIA emerging sport of dance, the GPAC held the first ever conference invite on Saturday. At the event hosted in Fremont, Neb., by Midland University, head coach Daneen Kovar Theye’s Bulldog dance squad placed seventh.

  • Accomplished do-it-all professional Misty Miller will offer her expertise to the Concordia dance team when she arrives on campus on Thursday, July 25. Miller will orchestrate a workshop from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. inside Walz Arena that day.