2024-25 Printable Roster (PDF)
*Note: class years are listed to reflect remaining athletic eligibility. Due to COVID-19, track & field student-athletes were not charged with an outdoor season of competition in 2020 or an indoor season of competition in 2021.
- Jenson AndersonJumpsFreshmanJuniata, Neb.
- Connor AscheThrows6-7SeniorGeneva, Neb.
- Nathan BaldwinThrows6-6SophomoreSutton, Neb.
- Matthew BoyerThrows5-9JuniorJefferson City, Mo.
- Dylan BreiJumps / Hurdles6-3SophomoreBettendorf, Iowa
- Caden BrooksJumps / Sprints5-10FreshmanSeward, Neb.
- Perry ChadwickMid-Distance / Sprints6-1FreshmanCheyenne Wells, Colo.
- Lucas CorwinMid-Distance / Sprints5-11FreshmanYork, Neb.
- Jordan DahnJumps / Sprints6-3SophomoreDecatur, Ill.
- Westley DetermanDistance5-9JuniorCedar Falls, Iowa
- Sawyer DetersThrows6-2FreshmanBaileyville, Kan.
- Josiah EdwardsThrows6-5JuniorElk Grove, Calif.
- Benjamin EhrenbergDistance6-3SophomoreOmaha, Neb.
- Jack EllisDistance5-8SeniorBend, Ore.
- Aaron EverettSprints5-5JuniorMilwaukee, Wis.
- Liam FaganSprints5-5JuniorCarson, Iowa
- Carson FehlhaferThrows6-3JuniorUtica, Neb.
- Rayshun ForemanJumps / SprintsJuniorBeaver Crossing, Neb.
- Gage FriesHurdles6-0JuniorMinden, Neb.
- Easton FriesSprints / Hurdles6-0FreshmanImperial, Neb.
- Isaiah GauntJumps / Sprints5-10FreshmanKearney, Neb.
- Thomas GorlineDistance5-10SeniorSt. Louis, Mo.
- Sven GredeljThrows5-11JuniorZagreb, Croatia
- Emry GutzThrows / Mid-Distance6-1SophomoreSalisbury, Mo.
- Luke HammangDistance5-11SophomoreArlington, Neb.
- Charlie HaydenDistance5-8SeniorElkhorn, Neb.
- Micah HeinsPole Vault6-2FreshmanLongmont, Colo.
- Vaughn HendricksonDistance6-2FreshmanFort Wayne, Ind.
- Evan HillPole Vault5-9JuniorBridgeport, Neb.
- Mason HodgesDistance6-0SophomoreRaymore, Mo.
- Jax JacobsonPole Vault6-0SophomoreOakland, Neb.
- Aaron JendroDistance5-9JuniorOmaha, Neb.
- Mike JohnsonPole VaultSophomorePapillion, Neb.
- Jonathan JurchenDistance5-10FreshmanSeward, Neb.
- Hayden KlutheHurdles6-2SophomoreOrd, Neb.
- Brooks KreiselJumps5-11SophomoreBlue Springs, Mo.
- Peter KreutzerThrows6-0SeniorKearney, Neb.
- Trevor KunclDistance5-9JuniorMullen, Neb.
- Aidan LimbackDistance5-9SophomoreWest Des Moines, Iowa
- Jackson LindburgSprints / Hurdles6-0SophomoreSromsburg, Neb.
- Jaxon LipkerJumps / Hurdles6-6FreshmanAlbion, Neb.
- Xavier MarburgerJumps / Sprints5-10SophomoreHarvard, Neb.
- Stephen MeiselThrows6-1FreshmanJefferson City, Mo.
- Teagan MeyerSprints / Hurdles5-11SeniorAlta, Iowa
- Jarrett MilesDistance5-10FreshmanNorth Platte, Neb.
- Hank MooreSprints6-1JuniorStephenville, Texas
- Gavin MorrisSprints6-0FreshmanClarks, Neb.
- Cale NelsonMid-Distance / Sprints6-0FreshmanLoomis, Neb.
- Nate NelsonDistance5-8SophomoreAtkinson, Neb.
- Sam OlsonDistance6-1FreshmanOlathe, Kan.
- Hudson OppMid-Distance6-4JuniorLincoln, Neb.
- Mayson OstermeyerPole Vault6-4JuniorCrofton, Neb.
- Nathan PennekampDistance5-11SeniorFort Wayne, Ind.
- Ryan PheakHurdles6-5JuniorOsceola, Neb.
- Colin PinneoDistance6-1SophomoreYork, Neb.
- Riley ProchnowThrows6-1SophomoreSeward, Neb.
- Noah RamirezHurdles6-0SophomoreAnaheim, Calif.
- Thad RathjenMid-Distance5-10JuniorOsceola, Neb.
- Trey RobertsonDistance5-8SophomoreElsie, Neb.
- Grant RohdeSprints5-10JuniorReed City, Mich.
- Austen RozelleThrows6-3SeniorWauneta, Neb.
- Myles SaddJumps5-10JuniorDoniphan, Neb.
- Ethan SaundersThrows6-0FreshmanRock Springs, Wyo.
- Caleb SchlichtingDistance5-8SophomoreLyons, Neb.
- Evan SchmidtDistance6-2SeniorCortland, Neb.
- Adric SchmitzMid-Distance6-0SophomoreWaterloo, Iowa
- Justin ShermanDistance6-3SophomoreBellevue, Neb.
- Ethan SholeyDistance5-10FreshmanRock Springs, Wyo.
- Joel SmithJumps / Hurdles6-4JuniorEarlham, Iowa
- Aaron SpiveyJumps5-6JuniorSmithfield, Va.
- Tyler SuerThrows6-0JuniorFremont, Neb.
- Colby SugdenSprints6-2SeniorAdams, Neb.
- Noah TaylorDistance5-9FreshmanMound City, Kan.
- Ethan TheilenDistance6-0SophomoreCantrall, Ill.
- Thomas ThomasThrows6-4FreshmanHastings, Neb.
- Ransom WattsDistance6-3SophomoreColorado, Springs, Colo.
- Landon WilliamsThrows6-2SophomorePhoenix, Ariz.
- Matthew WingJumps / Sprints6-0SophomoreLincoln, Neb.
- Cole YunkerDistance5-9FreshmanNewburgh, Ind.
- Rachel AdaDistance5-4JuniorDeSoto, Kan.
- Caitlyn AdamsMid-Distance5-6SophomoreBeaver Crossing, Neb.
- Ava BartelsJumps5-7JuniorLincoln, Neb.
- Elena BatenhorstJumps / Multi Events5-10SeniorColumbus, Neb.
- Kyra BeckerDistance5-5JuniorAuburn, Neb.
- Claire BeikmannMid-Distance5-10SophomorePalmer, Kan.
- Hannah BeintemaDistance5-1JuniorBettendorf, Iowa
- Keegan BeiselDistance5-7JuniorSeward, Neb.
- Harper BocheThrows5-7FreshmanTorrington, Wyo.
- Erin BoggsPole Vault / Multi Events5-4SeniorBertrand, Neb.
- McKenzie BohlenPole Vault5-4SophomoreGlenvil, Neb.
- Arisyn BrattSprints5-5FreshmanLincoln, Neb.
- Kalee BrosiusThrows5-7SophomoreNorth Platte, Neb.
- Kennedee CanalesJumps / Sprints5-8FreshmanMidlothian, Texas
- Coral CollinsSprints5-4FreshmanSeward, Neb.
- Greta CorneliusenJumps5-9SeniorColorado Springs, Colo.
- Mickey CurlDistance5-6SeniorColorado Springs, Colo.
- Laney DennistonHurdles5-7FreshmanNebraska City, Neb.
- Eve DomresJumps5-9FreshmanFort Wayne, Ind.
- Lydia EdmondsDistance5-6FreshmanGretna, Neb.
- Faith EspinosaJumps / Hurdles / Multi Events5-4SeniorClarinda, Iowa
- Alyssa FergusonDistance5-7SophomoreHarvard, Neb.
- Kajsa FinnernThrows5-10FreshmanSartell, Minn.
- Molly FrenzenJumps / Hurdles5-9SophomoreColumbus, Neb.
- Abigail GerberThrows5-6SeniorColumbus, Neb.
- GraCee GoingsThrows5-5FreshmanWauneta, Neb.
- Keeli GreenMid-Distance5-7SophomoreArlington, Neb.
- Laci HavlatDistance5-6JuniorLincoln, Neb.
- Kelsie HeinsDistance5-8SophomoreLongmont, Colo.
- Marissa HeinsThrows5-11SophomoreConcordia, Mo.
- Trinity HouchinDistance5-6SophomoreAxtell, Neb.
- Ellie JanderDistance5-7SeniorSt. Louis, Mo.
- Rhaya KaschinskeDistance5-4SeniorFort Wayne, Ind.
- Brittni KinneThrows6-2SophomoreMcCook, Neb.
- Kayla KirchnerSprints5-9JuniorOgallala, Neb.
- Tayden KirchnerMid-Distance5-9SophomoreOgallala, Neb.
- Carissa KolleThrows5-5FreshmanLinn, Kan.
- Jaelynne KosmosJumps5-9SophomoreBeatrice, Neb.
- Emma KuceraJumps / Hurdles / Multi Events5-6SophomoreGibbon, Neb.
- Emily LosekeSprints5-1SeniorLeigh, Neb.
- Bella MarchisioDistance5-5SeniorQueen Creek, Ariz.
- Alyssa MarotzMid-Distance5-5JuniorNorfolk, Neb.
- Christina MartinsonMid-Distance5-5SophomoreWausa, Neb.
- Adysen McCarterJumps / Sprints5-7FreshmanOverton, Neb.
- Aliana McNairPole Vault5-5SophomoreImperial, Neb.
- Ardin MigneaThrows5-1SophomoreLas Vegas, Nev.
- Hayley MilesJumps / Sprints5-3JuniorNorth Platte, Neb.
- Katelyn NixDistance5-7SeniorFort Wayne, Ind.
- Josi NobleJumps / Sprints / Hurdles5-6JuniorStromsburg, Neb.
- Kiki NyanokJumps / SprintsSophomoreGrand Island, Neb.
- Kailyn PaulJumps5-6SophomoreDaykin, Neb.
- Cassie PeatrowskySprints / Pole Vault5-3SophomoreWest Point, Neb.
- Addison ReimerJumps / Hurdles / Multi Events5-10SophomoreLisbon, Wis.
- Lillian RichardPole Vault5-5FreshmanWashington, Kan.
- Adrianna RodencalSprints / Hurdles5-6JuniorLincoln, Neb.
- Reilly SalinePole Vault5-3SophomoreHighlands Ranch, Colo.
- Isabelle SaltersSprints / Hurdles5-8SeniorValentine, Neb.
- Cambria SaundersJumps / Sprints / Hurdles5-5SophomoreWaco, Neb.
- Annaka SchlachterDistance5-3FreshmanGrand Island, Neb.
- Kyla SchleusenerJumps / Sprints5-6JuniorSt. Paul, Minn.
- Kimberly SchropferJumps5-9JuniorOhiowa, Neb.
- Aliyah SinnThrows5-7SophomoreHanover, Kan.
- Josie SmithDistance5-5SophomoreSumner, Neb.
- Annika StaabDistance5-6FreshmanGrand Island, Neb.
- Amanda SteinkeJumps / Multi Events5-10SeniorMilwaukee, Wis.
- Alison StepanekDistance5-4FreshmanLas Vegas, Nev.
- Gretchen StottlemyreThrows5-8SeniorOlympia, Wash.
- Kayla SvobodaPole Vault / Hurdles / Multi Events5-7JuniorWisner, Neb.
- Trinity TulsSprints5-8SeniorColumbus, Neb.
- Ellee VanBuskirkPole Vault5-6JuniorOmaha, Neb.
- Claire VanTolThrows5-8FreshmanUnionville, Mich.
- Alayna VargasMid-Distance5-7SophomoreHastings, Neb.
- Sammi VojslavekDistance5-7JuniorElkhorn, Neb.
- Ellie WackerfussJumps5-4SophomoreChaska, Minn.
- Zoey WalkerJumps / Multi Events5-4SophomoreOsceola, Neb.
- Landrey WalterHurdles5-5JuniorFort Morgan, Colo.
- Josey WelchHurdles5-1FreshmanHubbell, Neb.
- Abi WohlgemuthThrows5-9SeniorLincoln, Neb.
- Sophie WohlgemuthThrows5-10FreshmanLincoln, Neb.
- Courtney WrightDistance5-3JuniorPerryville, Mo.