Bulldog Track & Field Challenge

Online entry information will be sent to coaches via email. Contact coach Mark Samuels at 402-309-0142 if assistance is needed.

2025 Schedule:

Thursday, March 20: 2 p.m. - Sandhill Division | Meet Results (PDF)
Friday, March 21: 9 a.m. – Forest Division | Meet Results (PDF)
Friday, March 21: 4 p.m. – Prairie Division | Meet Results (PDF)
Saturday, March 22: 9 a.m. – River Division | Meet Results (PDF)

2024 Live Web Streams:

Running Events: https://www.youtube.com/c/BulldogTrackandField 


Prairie Division: MEET RECORDS | 202420232022202120192018201720162015201420132012, 2011

River Division: MEET RECORDS | 202420232022202120192018201720162015201420132012, 2011

Forest Division: MEET RECORDS | 202420232022202120192018201720162015

Sandhill Division: MEET RECORDS | 2024202320222021201920182017201620152014

Meet information for coaches and contestants

Entry information:  Each school will be limited to three entries in each individual event and one relay team in each relay event. 

Finish line: Coaches and contestants are requested to remain away from the finish line.

Athletes:  The area designated for team camps is the upper concourse of the basketball arena. Warm-up running may be done outside the building. Dressing rooms will be available, but please note that you are responsible for your valuables at all times. 

Only flats or shoes with ¼” or less pyramid spikes will be allowed in all events. (No needle spikes of Christmas tree spikes.)

Hip numbers will be required on both hips for each running event. The hip number check out table will be located near the high jump pit at the north end of the infield.

Notes about specific events:

Indoor Shot Put:  Indoor shot puts are required. No outdoor shot puts will be allowed.

Discus: The discus event will be held weather permitting. The event may be cancelled if weather or field conditions do not allow for a safe competition.

Long Jump/Triple Jump: The boys long/triple jump events will be on the west infield runway. The girls long/triple jump events will be on the north runway.

Scoring and awards:  The top six finishers will score points for their team. Team scoring will be 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1. Trophies will be presented immediately following the meet to the top boys team and the top girls team.

Coaches may pick up medals at the end of the meet.  Medals will be awarded to the top three individuals in each event. The top three teams in the relay events will be awarded medals. Complete meet results will be available at the finish line for head coaches immediately following the meet.

About the track

Completed in 2010, Concordia's indoor track is one of the premier indoor tracks in the Midwest. The track is a 200-meter full pour Beynon polyurethane track with a Hobart texture surface. There are six 40-inch lanes around and eight 40-inch lanes on the straights. The two independent runways allow the long jump and triple jump to be run simultaneously.

Meet schedule and spectator information

Admission for each day is $8 for adults and $3 for students. Bleachers for spectators are available within the field house. Spectator parking is adjacent to the Walz Human Performance Complex (includes the field house, arena and other facilities).

The Walz is located along the northern side of Concordia's Seward campus, near the intersection of  E. Hillcrest Dr. & Sunrise Dr.