The following blog post was written by Concordia University Shooting Sports Head Coach Scott Moniot for publication on the Scholastic Clay Target Program website. View the SCTP posting here: https://mysctp.com/sctp-team-volunteers-helps-raise-over-84k-for-ronald-mcdonald-house-charities/.
Coach Scott Moniot:
As a team, we look forward to volunteering our time to help with the RMHC Kids & Clays each year at Oak Creek Sporting Club in Brainard, NE. This event always takes place in the midst of our fall season…and we could make the choice to attend a collegiate event…but we don’t. The reason is that our Shooting Sports program is not just about shooting, but about character development and learning to serve others in tangible ways. The Kids & Clays event is the main fundraising opportunity for the Omaha/Lincoln RMHC, and to know we get to have a hand in helping fund the NE Ronald McDonald Houses is pretty special. Is it hard work and a couple of long days…absolutely…but knowing that the funds we help raise will go to help families who are facing a huge life crises helps to put some perspective on life, and the daily choices that can be made if we are willing to think of others and the circumstances they face. Our athletes served as the S/C referees as well as the side game and Concordia University challenge staff. Our athletes also cleaned up the 15 station course at the end of each day, that is always a big task.
Last year our team had 482 volunteer hours in helping RMHC Kids & Clays raise more than $87,000.00 during their Kids & Clays event at Oak Creek. This year with all the Covid-19 fear and caution the number of teams that attended were down considerably, but a truly inspiring thing happened! The teams that were able to participate dug deep and gave more of their financial resources to make it a big success. When the dust settled from all the side games and broken clays the CUNE Shooting Sports team recorded 453 volunteer hours and the RMHC raised over $84,000.00 to help hurting families….truly a win-win in my book.